
Why do some dogs l**k the boots of their master?

by  |  earlier

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Is it to curry favor, to remain in his favor or just simply likes l*****g the boots of his master? Really, some dogs are weird.




  1. it means: hey, master,  feed me... if you will not feed me, i l**k no more... i bite.

  2. they do as a sign of submission to their master's authority... to show their respect, and to show their fondness to their master.

    It's all their, l*****g boots is the most lowly of showing respect and dogs do that, only and to their master alone because it was only their master whose voice they recognize and heed because t'was only their master who had shown them favor like no other

  3. l*****g is their expression of nice feeling towards their master not about the boots. you are weird. not just some dogs.

  4. ...dogs will l**k everything and anything.

    When they l**k anything belonging to their masters they are showing their affection, submission, respect and love. These are admirable qualities that many two footed animals should learn.

    This is also an obvious trait that some seem to follow on this site. Is it to curry favor for points for the Top Contributor Badge.  

  5. May be their way of making "lambing".

    Dogs are weird. Especially in front of the mirror.

  6. I hate dogs.  They die.

    Now, no one licks my boots and my face when I get back from work.

    They do that to show their love.

  7. they are trying to find any p**p in the boots then they after l**k their master face...

  8. Dogs l**k much worse things than boots.  Maybe there was some lechon drippings on the boots.

  9. ...l*****g is a very natural behavior for dogs.  they would l**k anything in sight.  when they l**k their masters - or anything belonging to their masters, they are showing affection, submission and deference (respect).

  10. .....because it's there; and they can!

  11. They do that so their master or mistress will pet them more ... maybe even call them "honeypet".

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