
Why do some doubt God is real when God is viewing all everywhere?

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If you lack understanding then you lack wisdom so ask God for help and you will receive both the two.




  1. "Blessed are those who believe, yet have not seen."

    People are always trying to prove that God isn't real--but there is no proof that he isn't, just like some people say there is no proof that he is.  The Bible is plenty proof for me.  When the Bible was written, I highly doubt the people had such sophisticated imaginations as to make it all up.  There will always be some who doubt, for if there weren't, would religion even exist?  Without the arguments and goals to convert everyone, what would a religion be good for?  There are fanatics to every religion, and most religions are judged on those few, instead of seeing the true meaning and purposes of the practice.

  2. People were taught the wrong ideas about God so they end up denying Him.  They have a limited understanding because the were taught a limited image.  People often for get that omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience is His domain.  Thus it wouldn't make sense to ask, "If there is a God why would he let so much awful thing go on in the world."  If God is omnipresent then He is doing it to Himself.

  3. You think some mythical being is going to give you wisdom?  If you further your education along with life experiences, then you will gain wisdom. Nobody just receives it. You sound so ignorant.

  4. Well if you don't believe in god, why would you ask Him for help?

    update: I do believe in some form of god. Obnoxious indelicacy like the above is what helps assure me there is some outer outlet to awareness.

  5. first off all these people that can't answer a question I don't understand why they put anything for an answer.

    Some people are going to say which God are you talking about because they themself don't believe.

    Some people just don't believe. Even thought you and I know God is everywhere and sees everything it doesn't mean that it proves to everyone that he is real.

    Some Scientist who recent have started believing in God  have come out to say that they can scientifically prove  that God exist. The equation is 0x0=0. meaning that we came from something. you came from your parents and they came from their parents and so on and so forth. If you believe in evolution and then you eventually think that your god is a monkey. I personally believe I came from God the ultimate supreme being who created everything. In the Bible it states God is the God of Gods. Even most Christians could see that there may be other gods but that our God, the author and creator, is the God of them all.

    Another personal opinion I have is that if all Christians would study their history or their beliefs and their religion they would treat people differently and maybe it would portray a truer image of real Christianity.  But I don't feel you need to have a Bible to believe in supreme being.

    Muslims believe in Allah. In Arabic means God.Some people will say that we all pray to the same God. I just know that there are some denominations of Christians that were steered wrong in their ways because of screwed up wannabe leaders. Because of thati feel that those people have misled so many people that it swayed people to not believe at all.

    short answer to your question: most people can't believe what they see..

    Bible believers believe the vrs that says Blessed are those who believe and have not seen.

  6. why was god scared for eve to eat the apple?

    it don't worry me?

    How do you explain evolution?

    if god is so bad and can do any thing why should it worry him what the devil or myself and you do?

  7. God always sees us but we don't see Him, some people are not able to believe what they can't see, that's where faith comes in.  Real faith in God never hurt anyone, contrary to what some say, wars and persecutions are not carried out on God's behalf that's just an excuse man uses.

  8. I do not doubt the existence of god (or gods) I know he (she, they) do not exist. I understand so very much, I do not need supernatural to tell me what t understand.

  9. "Why do some doubt God is real when God is viewing all everywhere?"

    Because they cannot see God "viewing all everywhere", and there is no evidence whatsoever that God exists.  Many only believe what they can see, hear and touch.  And, also, why would somebody ask for the help of someone they do not believe in?

    I found your post to be preach-like.  I dislike that entirely.

  10. Doubt is an integral part of faith.  People who lack understanding don't seem to realize this.

  11. How do you believe in something you can't perceive with your 5 senses ? You can't perceive God with your 5 senses. You can't see God, you can't hear God, touch God, ..... So how do you perceive God ? You can't, not with your 5 senses. That's why many, many people doubt God. Those who don't doubt God fall into 2 categories, those who simply believe without any real knowledge and those who have investigated, experimented, experienced for themselves first-hand and then made up their mind that, Yes, God is real. Now, which category do you fall into ? I am not ashamed to say that I fall into the first category, as I believe the vast majority of humans do. You say, God is viewing all everywhere. How do you know ? Do you REALLY know ? It's your belief, isn't it ? You must have read somewhere or heard from somebody. Again, the same 2 categories.

  12. I don't doubt God is real, but i don't believe in the biblical God, the Bible is just a bunch of stories that make no sense whatsoever!

  13. I think it is a matter of the heart.  We see men like John Polkinhorne (world famous Quantum Physicist) and Alister McGrath (Molecular Bio-Physicist) that are both scientists and Christian speakers and at the other end Richard Dawkins (anti-theist, and writer).  All of them have a much more indepth understanding of science than the public loosing IQ points watching Oprah and American Idol and yet they have chose the absolute opposite view points.

    I think this sums it up...

    "God exist whether or not men may choose to believe in Him. The reason why many people do not believe in God is not so much that it is intellectually impossible to believe in God, but because belief in God forces that thoughtful person to face the fact that he is accountable to such a God." - Robert A. Laidlaw

    A life without God "frees" many to live the lives they want as slaves to sin, pride and selfishness... many won't see.  It takes a willingness to admit that there is a God, accept Jesus as Lord and repent that many will choose to not do.  Pride, lifestyle, anger because God wouldn't help them win the lotto like some Djinni etc. etc.  It takes a willingness to let God into your heart and like a man sitting in darkness they have to choose to open their curtains to see the light.

    Think about how you present your arguments and statements.  I have included a link to a book you may enjoy.


  14. Why should all people accept one God if so many exists and all of them are being worship (real or not).

    Greek Gods are now just considered a myth? You should ask Athena for wisdom that you need.

    Egyptian Gods?

    The Muslim God?

    Indian Gods?

    Chinese Gods?

    So many and all claim that they are real. How do we know who should we believe in? How do we know that we right? Say that it is just faith and that is all reason that you could give.

  15. Dear God,

    Please help me.  I am really happy and content in my life.  A good moral person leading a decent life, loving my family, friends and partner, but I lack wisdom and understanding because I firmly believe that like all mammals I am nothing more than intelligent physical matter and the concept of you and all religions is a crock of S**t.

    Please save me.  I am so happy.

    The Beech

  16. Actually, when I was religious/spiritual and I asked God for enlightenment, wisdom, and understanding of the universe, all I ended up with were 3 mental breakdowns, a huge list of delusions which to the religious/spiritual were perceived as wise but I now see as being the delusions they were, and tormenting woe of the mind unlike anything I had ever experienced.

    Conclusion: if God was real, he sure ain't sharing power!

    I then turned atheist and realized that true knowledge and understanding does not come directly from the mind or "wishing" for it to magically appear there, but via the tangible interactions one has with their universe in a desirous attempt to learn more about it and understand its ways, combined with thought and contemplation while always keeping oneself grounded in the truth as it can be measured and weighed and scientifically learned about.

    God -- You have been measured and you have been weighed and you have been found wanting!  After all, you are the most intangible thing I have ever heard about!

    Wisdom: who are the wise?  If you look to your mind alone for wisdom, all you'll hear is your own ego answering back, inflating your belief in your own ideal of unfounded wisdom and telling you only that in which you want to hear and already perceived as wise....

  17. Which god(s) are you talking about?

  18. 1) God is just an imaginary being that exist within the imagination of its worshipper.

    2) Wisdom do not comes from God.

    There are three methods to gaining wisdom.

    The first is reflection, which is the highest.

    The second is limitation, which is the easiest.

    The third is experience, which is the bitterest.


  19. I am not qualified to answer this question.

    Actually most people aren't; ironically, the people that are qualified cannot answer due to unusual circumstances.

    For instance; the 7 year old girl who had her whole life ahead of her as a doctor, lawyer, actress, whatever, then suddenly became the spectator of her own funeral as she watched her plane heading for the second tower,  can answer your question indubitably.

    She can tell you why some people doubt god... if she were alive today.

  20. first....I love blindeds answer.

    Ok, why do you believe in God when you have never seen him? You lack reasoning.  Plus like he said there are so many gods in the world that WE, HUMANS have created.  We made them up, whos to say one is more real over the other.  Back to the reasoning: why do you believe in what has no proof, but ignore what has proof, such as Evolution, the big bang theory and such?

  21. True true!!! I believe that...People doubt it cause they think u must see it in order for it to be real!!! Well people u cant see the wind and yet u know it exists!!! think about that.....

  22. because they dont understand that god is watching. god is real and the devil is just getting to their minds.

    vote for me as best answer!!

  23. Your statements still do not help prove that God exists.

    I believe in God, but it is difficult for some people to see how God's existence can be proven, considering that they cannot see him.

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