
Why do some ducks have fluff on their heads?

by  |  earlier

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I saw one the other day and it looked cool. I thought maybe it put it on for decoration =) but there must be a more logical explanation




  1. They are called crested ducks. Its actually a very bad thing. Usually crested ducks have many neurological and physical handicapps that severely inhibit them.

    The following is from I will give you the link to read all about them yourselves and there are pics:

    The crested gene in these ducks is linked to a lethal condition during incubation. Ducklings carrying both genes (homozygous) for the crest do not survive to hatch. Of those that do hatch, typically 1/3 of them will not have crests. It is easy for breeders to see how the crests will develop on the newly hatched duckling, so that they can select stock to raise and sell off the rest as day-olds, rather than having to feed them until they grow up.

  2. it's just their feathers that they frizzed up while cleaning themselves. duck hair spray is hard to find. i like the ones that look like they have an afro

  3. That is a really good Question. It could be genetics or human intervintion. There called crasted ducks. Crested can come in about any breed of duck.

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