
Why do some ethiopians have thin noses and lips?

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are they mixed or what? how come they dont look like nigerians or congolese etc




  1. probably they are related with the Jewish black tribes with curvy noses

  2. Ethiopians have about 40% Caucasian ancestry in them from a big migration back into Africa from Arabia in the stone age sometime. Genetically they are rather more closley related to Europeans than west Africans.

    Lots of this kind of DNA study involving Ethiopians here.


    A few examples...

    “Notably, 62% of the Ethiopians fall in the first cluster, which encompasses the majority of the Jews, Norwegians and Armenians, indicating that placement of these individuals in a ‘Black’ cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure. Only 24% of the Ethiopians are placed in the cluster with the Bantu and most of the Afro-Caribbeans.” (Passarino et al. 1998)

    “On the basis of historical, linguistic, and genetic data, it has been suggested that the Ethiopian population has been strongly affected by Caucasoid migrations since Neolithic times. On the basis of autosomal polymorphic loci, it has been estimated that 60% of the Ethiopian gene pool has an African origin, whereas ~40% is of Caucasoid derivation…. Our Ethiopian sample also lacks the sY81-G allele, which was associated with 86% and 69% of Senegalese and mixed-African YAP+ chromosomes, respectively. This suggests that male-mediated gene flow from Niger-Congo speakers to the Ethiopian population was probably very limited … Caucasoid gene flow into the Ethiopian gene pool occurred predominantly through males. Conversely, the Niger-Congo contribution to the Ethiopian population occurred mainly through females.*“  (Poloni et al. 1997)

  3. We're all mixed. There's nothing like a "pure" race.

  4. Ethiopia is close to the middle east, so some of them have Arab features (with African skin)

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