
Why do some fans boo and throw things at other drivers?

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The problem with nascar is the "E" factor. I have been a season ticket holder at Phoenix (PIR) for over 20 years. The complaining and booing (and finger flipping and object throwing) usually wears red and sports the number 8 (in the 80's, it was black and number 3) that is green and 88.

Why does it seem to be mostly Earnhardt fans doing this. I know there is more of them but there seems to be a higher per capita of bad people in that group than the other fans too. Why?




  1. You know I am sick to death of you and others on here that assume that it is ONLY Jr fans that throw sh*t !! How do you know that are you at every flippin' race and see everyone that throws something I think not and I'll have you know that I am a Jr fan and I have not or would never throw anything at the drivers and/or other fans I also don't go around disrespecting other fans like some people on here and I'm quite sick of this c**p!! You don't like Jr fine who cares! He doesn't and I sure as he!! don't so get over it already! Get a life and find something else to bit*h about!!

  2. Yes, it's usually the Jr. fans.

    Not all Jr. fans (my husband would never throw things)

    And possibly not only Jr. fans, but if you were to be realistic, you'd notice a trend that the throwing usually stems from the Jr. fans.

    Case in point, Kyle Busch wins at Talladega, nothing is thrown at him, one week later, Richmond, Jr. goes spinning, the throwing begins. If it weren't Jr. fans, then who? He was the one sent spinning, he was the one they cried was denied the win. The following week, Darlington, Kyle wins, the throwing escalates, and is still happening every time he's won since.

    When it was Jeff Gordon getting stuff thrown at him, who's fans was it?

    So, it may not be all, and it may not be only, but the fact is, they're the ones who instigate it.

    edit: Mike, Yes, but who started the trend of throwing things at Jeff?

    Jr. fans Talladega 2004.

    edit: You got yourself a deal there Jason, I seem to recall being surrounded by Jr. Nation at the Vegas race this year.

    I'd say about 70-80% of those in attendance.

    And for the record guys, I know it's not ALL Jr. fans that do that. Like I said, my husband would never throw things!!

  3. Because their retarded!!

  4. There is certainly no shortage of troll questions out today, is there?

    DING DING DING!!! WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Tom P for Best Answer!!! ROFLMAO

    2 points - THANK YOU!

    ....OK, Winter Glory, I will concede and admit that the majority of the garbage-throwing MORONS are Jr fans if you will concede that the majority of the people in the stands are Jr fans. Deal? : )

  5. Because many people's blood alcohol level easily exceeds their I.Q.  A beer is a projectile and most of these people can't throw hard enough to reach the track, so some poor kid or woman gets smacked in the head.  These are hooligans just like in European Soccer.  They should be arrested and charged with assault.

  6. Ah it's a nice day to go Trolling...huh?  You don't like it why on earth would you want to hold onto a season ticket for 20 years if all you get is abuse?  That's strange. crack me up.  ***Cheers to you***

    >>>You don't want to speculate but you will.  Don't ever think you know a single thing about me from reading a few paragraphs here.   You don't know squat about me or what I may or may not do.  Flinging beer cans isn't something I do.  I happen to respect NASCAR the drivers and the fans unlike yourself that only asks questions to disrepect fans and raise tempers.  You are a Troll.  Get a life.

  7. Because we hope to hit someone like you if our throw happens to come up short of it's intended target.


    edit:  I have never thrown a thing at the track and never would.  But to the people that do, more power to them, as long as they aren't throwing at Dale Jr...I'm fine with it.

  8. Sadly, it's because they have anger and inferiority complex issues.

  9. The ones that throw garbage are most likely drunk when they do it. Some tracks now will toss people out for doing it.

  10. Just like JR cannpot hold the lead, his fans cannot hold there booze

  11. The people that throw things at the race tracks are not fans, they a bunch of rowdy inbreds that are just looking for a place to party and raise he**. The reason so many are wearing a particular color is due to the popularity of a driver, they likely never have even watched a race before.

    EDIT: Winter Glory do you remember the pic that circulated after Gordon won at PIR last year and there were Johnson fans throwing beer at him?

    Throwing a beer is alcohol abuse and should never happen!

  12. becuase some dale jr. fan don't have resect for the sport or other drives. maybe all the the other fans should throw stuff when dale jr. wins. oh yeah but  he hardle ever wins. lol.

  13. they probably have money on the outcome of the race and really want their person to win so they get a little violent towards the cars that they dont' want to win.  i guess it's like cheering for your favorite actor or singer and when one gets up that some people don't like they might boo and throw things at them.  it's crazy...just like them!

  14. You would think that people would actually grow up.  Nope, that is not the case.  Whenever some people go to a sporting even they resort back to child hood behavior (or they never grew up) and when they get mad or upset, just like a little kid, they throw stuff.

    It is kind of sad that people, grown adults are like that, but heck just look at the world we live in and your question should be answered.

    It is kind of funny because every time Kyle Busch wins he exits the car with the full helmet, etc on.  As to not get hit by flying objects or deflects the flying objects.  Maybe we should wear helmets to the races now too.


  15. There is no real answer to your question without speculating. If your a fan of nascar and don't do those terrible things then you show you have some class.  I can understanding some booing from time to time because that happens with sports. But the finger flipping shouldn't be done because nascar is a sport where many families are involved at all ages. The nascar track officials should remove people from throwing anything at anytime. They should also be fined for throwing something. Earnhardt Jr is a good guy who does not encourage nor provoke such events. I'd bet that its the over beer consumption of some of the fans that do these things. It is a pitty indeed.

  16. Because JR is the last "southern man" in Nascar and they are holding onto him whether he sucks or not.

  17. I am a tony fan and I boo...I dont use the finger but I can tell you that when a certain driver is announced you know I am not a fan...LOL!

  18. it's almost like the stereotype we have of black people in America. I don't understand how a whole group of people can make themselves look bad.

  19. Because they have nothing to cheer about

  20. I usually don't answer troll questions but,,,,

    You CANNOT put all the fans in one bag. Who knows who the people are that are throwing the beer cans.

    Maybe they are Jr. fans and they are ticked that he didn't win.

    Maybe they are Waltrip fans and ticked at Toyota.

    Maybe they are misguided F1 fans upset because they had to sit through a real race.

    Maybe they are left over "DEAD HEADS" that just woke up and realized the show was over.

    To lump them into one group is wrong, There are bad apples in every sport, but not all good sports at every event.


    To agree with Mike P, that is why you should never drink and drive, you could hit a bump and spill your drink.

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