
Why do some fans find it so hard to acknowledge Federers fantastic stats.?

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Here we go again

Everytime Federer loses we get the same old cry

He's finished.

Everytime Federer wins we get the same old cry

He's boring he keeps winning.

Is it too hard to acknowledge the guy is a champion - plays tennis to die for, and never stops working to keep the game of tennis in good repute?




  1. Look for what Rod Laver had to say about him. When I heard it.. it's really enough. I didn't have to pay attention to what fans or other tennis players had to say.

  2. Who is not acknowledging Roger Federer's greatness? Can you cite specific people who are reputable who also diminish his accomplishments? A lot of fans are dumb. Don't put much weight on what some anonymous blowhard fan says. Personally, I am a Rafa Nadal fan, however Roger is absolutely incredible. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool. Every great player who has seen Roger play is awed by his amazing talent. Former players' opinions carry the most weight for me and listen, Rafa and Djokovic always compliment Roger, so who cares what some silly fans say?

  3. When somebody with Federer's talent does so much in so little time and he's not even 30 years old and at his peak, some people just grasp at straws hoping he messes up and never regains his greatness. I've always acknowledged his greatness, that's why I'm a fan of his, I think he's the greatest ever and he's not done with the world of tennis yet. Also I some people who are fans of Nadal and Djokovic have seen those two rise and become threats to Federer's growing legend and they want them on top and Federer to go down. Now not all of them are like that, but some are that way. I'm a fed fan 100%, but I'm a Rafa fan too, and I'm okay with Djokovic but not his fan entirely but he's a good player. The same thing happened with Michael Jordan, he came along and he was just phenomenal, but the more he accomplished, people started trashing him by saying he wasn't a team player and he was a ball hogger, but nobody can deny he's the greatest basketball player the NBA ever had. The same goes for Federer, he'll lose sometimes but he's still going to the quarters, semi's, and finals of every tournament, he's still consistent, if he keeps on winning, people think it's boring, but you can never deny pure greatness. As long you believe Federer is the best, don't worry about what everyone else says, people have their opinions of Federer, but yours is what counts.

  4. Its the curse that comes with greatness. The better a player is and the more he wins, the more his losses are analyzed. In addition, casual fans find it "boring" that the same guy keeps winning. I guess they'd prefer a tedious state of affairs where a different guy wins every Major and someone ends the year at #1 simply because mathematically, someone has to. Personally, I prefer things the way they are. Every generation needs a great player. Its wonderful to see records broken and it also makes other players' wins more meaningful. If Roger Federer hadn't won another Slam after the 2003 Wimbledon, Djokovic's win over him in Melbourne would have meant nothing. Unfortunately, there will always be those who don't (or can't) appreciate greatness and are ecstatic every time the top guy loses.

  5. I dont find it hard to acknowledge Roger's super fantastic feats like some people....I'm an avid Rafa fan and i have the highest respects for the accomplishments of the Fed express....You know, I'm starting to get the feeling Rafa is somewhat content to be second best to Roger and that is coming from a man who knows Roger best...I would still root for these two, Roger and Rafa, because they re both professionals in the truest sense and they are ambassadors of goodwill...

  6. No we'll just:

    1)  Harp on it like it's the end of the world, because we have no persective.

    2)  Interpret everything he says in the interview in the most cynical possible way, because we're catty and hateful little b---ches.

    3)  And accuse him of faking mono again ... even though the mono-virus never leaves your system once you get it.  That would be a really really hard thing to lie about, wouldn't it?  Something that never leaves your system?

    I also think Magic Johnson lied about having AIDs too.

    Lance Armstrong also lied about having testicular cancer.

    Michael J Fox is pretending to have Parkinsons disease to make people feel sorry for him.

    BTW, I'm probably Federer -fan #1, but Nadal is also a nice guy, and I love watching his tenacity and workman-like efforts on the court.  He didn't show his usual excitement after winning the first set -- for respect for Federer, and maybe a little guilt from the medical time-out.  Nadal wouldn't quit even if his feet bleed.

    Yep... give me the thumbs down...  BRING IT!!!!

  7. Coz' it will be difficult to accomplish his feat. What Fed done to his stats is really amazing that the tennis legendary greats happen to admire him as well. After Fed is gone, can any one do the same thing?

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