
Why do some feel religion has anything to do with politics?

by Guest33963  |  earlier

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The only similarity I know of is that each of these topics should not be discussed in bars...




  1. History tells us that organized religion was deeply involved in politics and with kings/rulers of the earth.

    Chapters 17 and 18 of Revelation are eye openers.

    For example, Revelation 18:1-5 says:

    18 After these things I saw another angel descending from heaven, with great authority; and the earth was lighted up from his glory. 2 And he cried out with a strong voice, saying:

    “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, and she has become a dwelling place of demons and a lurking place of every unclean exhalation and a lurking place of every unclean and hated bird!

    3 For because of the wine of the anger of her fornication all the nations have fallen [victim], and the KINGS OF THE EARTH COMMITTED FORNICATION WITH HER, and the traveling merchants of the earth became rich due to the power of her shameless luxury.”

    4 And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.

    5 For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind.

  2. hmm.....took a few minutes to look something up concerning your this moment I'm looking at a list(as long as your arm)of quotes from founding fathers,elected officials(from both parties)etc....concerning the need to make sure both are closely working together!...From Geo.Washington on down the line....are you saying you know something they didn't??

  3. Yeah like all the palin jokes..

    ANNOYING much.

  4. Because this country was founded on Christian believes- One nation under GOD. Most people forget that though. If our founding fathers could see our country today, I think they would be so sad- the aboritions, g*y marriage, banning Bibles and the pledge in schools. This country was founded on Christian believes whether or not people like it- it's a fact.

    EDIT: David it's Moron... you are an idiot you can't even spell correctly. Why don't you go to college and take some History  classes? Then come back and talk.

  5. It does not, however people do want to know where the candidates stand on certain issues and knowing a persons religion can give them incites to a person and their beliefs and knowing them is fair game to the process.

  6. Ask the religious people who feel the need to push their religion into politics....

  7. I feel like they are the same, like fingers of a hand. Both were devised by"leaders", who long ago saw the need to control the people. Both command us to live our lives in a controlled way. How to act, who our friends should be, how we should clothe ourselves and

    even what to eat. Oh yeah, they both want our money.  In other words repression.

  8. Ermm... because the current breakdown is approximately 70/30  either way for the two major parties based on regular church attendance or lack thereof maybe?

    Or could it be because Christians, with a 100% stranglehold at every level of government, insist on legislating their beliefs and dogma onto the rest of us?

    And to the maroon above who used "one nation under God" to "prove" we were founded on Christian principles I think you might want to check on when that motto was added - it was under the McCarthyite red scare paranoia about 50 years ago.

    Meanwhile 140 years earlier John Adams, who was there, signed into US law a treaty stating "The United States being in no sense founded upon the Christian religion".... after it was unanimously ratified by the full senate containing other founding fathers.  But what would they know about it more than a Yahoo fundy?

    And to the only slightly lesser maroon who is looking at a list of quotes from the fathers shall we compare the list of their quotes denigrating Christianity and insisting on religious freedom to see which is longer?

  9. Because some people believe it is their religious duty to make everybody follow their religion by making/changing laws that reflect that belief.

    Our founding fathers (in united states) understood that aspect of human nature and wrote protections into the constitution to prevent it, however modern evangelicals hope to end the constitution and institute a theocratic government...  so that Jesus doesn't have so much work to do when he returns to make them all kings of the new world.

  10. are they really that different?

    both tell lies to get people to trust/follow them.

    both are only interested in taking care of themselves, and weasling money out of their followers.

    both try to make rules to benefit themselves.

    both try to set rules to tell us how to live.


    oh one difference...

    religion asks for your money

    politicans make taxes to take your money w/out your permission.

    er unless you think im wrong here. i'd love to be enlightened how i'm wrong in my comparisons... lol

  11. Because in almost everyone's mind is a political issue that can also be a religious issue. I know that politics should be about politics but its not. Some of the issues that are religious and political are views on abortion and g*y marriage. Most of the religious people in the US are looking for someone that will side with their religious beliefs.

    Politics is never just political issues!

  12. To answer your question -- they figure they must be related because they know next to nothing about either one.

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