
Why do some feel the need to be argumentative and always have the last word?

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I don't understand people who ALWAYS have to get the last word in, no matter what the subject is. I can look out the window and say that it's sunny and windy, and they'll say that it's raining purple J-ello. They seem to take some gleeful delight in being a thorn in your side, and "arguing for the sake of arguing". They often think that they are being a "devil's advocate", when in reality they just enjoy hearing their own voice.

Is this some sort of personality disorder? Narcissism? Histrionics? Insecurity? Maybe just an old-fashioned bully and jerk?




  1. Some people love to argue and fight. If you win, it's intoxicating and proves that you are smarter or stronger. Then again, some people are control freaks.

  2. i think it might have something to do with feeling a need to be in control. if you're not the one ending the argument, it feels as if you lost the argument. some just like to p**s people off. some actually have a mental problem with control like i said. some just think that highly of themselves. some, like you pointed out, have an insecurity, that causes them to act more aggressive to possibly compensate.  

  3. Perhaps they are simply irritated by others stating simplistic opinions with no arguments.

    Arguing with a skilled person in arguing will win their respect. Turning red and calling them names will merely make them embarrassed of your presence.

  4. Sometimes its easier to just agree and carry on thinking exactly what you believe. At least this way it shuts them up and you get some peace.

  5. Either such persons know more than you or they have an ego problem.

    You can come to know by analyzing their arguments.

  6. I love Swami's answer! It's funny. Well, the one thing I know about people who ALWAYS have to get the last word in is that they want control. Even if they hurt someone else. The reason they want control is because their life has become so petty and insignificant. They tell themselves that if they get the last word in, they win! It boosts their ego, giving them a temporary feeling of euphoria. When that feeling disappears, they do it again. Kind of like a street drug user. My advice is to ignore a person like this and let them think they "won". What difference would it make? It's not worth your time stressing about it and it certainly doesn't change who YOU are. Hope this helps.

  7. Well I don't know about anyone else but I always preferred it to rain jelly beans or cats and dogs or anything else more useful for that matter, but purple Jello? Ever try and pick that stuff up in clumps up off from the floor?  Tis impossible as it just gets all squishy and seeps between your fingers and then you get all sticky.

    But at least they didn't sing to you It's Raining Men In Georgia cuz I bet that would really be alot more painful.  Especially if one landed on your head while they were singing it off key.

  8. From my experience, I used to be like this when I was younger. I ALWAYS had to have the last word, and would fight someone to the bitter end. Even if it turned out I was the one who was wrong! From what I've learned about myself as I'm getting older is that I did it out of insecurity. I was very controlling because I felt that was how I could keep someone in my life. Crazy I know, but I think it was because I've always been very little and other kids used to pick on me. Physically they would beat me up and push me around, but mentally I could run circles around them. I think it was the only way I felt I could hold my own, so to speak. It was a defense. I looked at it like well, if they tick me off bad enough I'll just push them out of my life! That way I felt I had a valid reason for not having someone I'd once cared about in my life and it wouldn't hurt me so much. I never did it to be mean to anyone, although sometimes the words I'd used could hurt someone way more than if I'd hit them. Like I said, I was much younger then and I've learned to pick my battles, and when it's appropriate to say it's raining purple jello. :) Hope this clarifies a bit.  

  9. No, it's just lots of fun pissing people off.

  10. Someone can only bother you if you let them I guess.

    Could be a personality disorder.

    Some people like to get a rise out of other people.

    Some people are just insecure.

    Some people do it out of boredom.

    Or maybe purple Jell-o sounds like a Cool thing to say.

  11. it depends on what you say. and above all it depends by the circumstances...  

  12. people like that think very highly of themselves because they feel they always need to be right. they try to be the dominate person, and have control. i think they fear not be in control and that being vunerable is a sign of weakness, witch it isnt. and when they are proved wrong they become very defensive. =[ arg

  13. I am one of these people, I don't know why, but I believe its down to my mother,who was the same, always arguing with me, and It annoyed me.

    but i believe its down the the way you were raised.

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