
Why do some females want to go to pool parties when they're menstruating?

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Why not just stay home that day. God.




  1. If they feel like c**p then yes, they should probably stay home.  But here in the 21st century we have newfangled things like tampons which make swimming no big deal.

    Heck, these days menstruating women aren't even confined to their huts....

  2. People are using birth control pills to stop the cycle

  3. Because they think they will miss out on something or someone told them women are sexier when they are like that...Going to the party is not so bad it's getting in the WATER!.NASTY/INCONSIDERATE................. Yahoo

  4. Well, you could wear a tampon...

    Candy C: Are you saying that women actually go outside their homes while menstruating??  Doesn't that attract mosquitoes?

    What Mango: I know what you mean about "syncing" the cycles, but that doesn't quite work.  Studies have shown that women who live in close quarters tend to have their cycles around the same time.  So, unless you live with your friends, it's not going to work.

  5. Why does it matter what she decides to while she's menstruating?

    I mean tampons stop blood from flowing out of the body so if you're worried about blood in the pool then it really isn't much of a problem. I'm sure, at some pool party you've been to, at least one person has peed in the pool. I'd be a little more worried about that than the rare chance a drop of blood would get in the pool.

    As Candy C said, some women can actually go outside of their homes and lead productive lives while on their period.

    Shocking, I know.

  6. not everyone feels like c**p during their period o.o sometimes i even feel better and refreshed. stop stereotyping, its not as if you can stop what they do

  7. Are you kidding me??

    Did we time warp into 1887?

  8. It seems that you have the expectation of everyone of your sisterhood to experience the same set of feeling and experiences as you do!

    My assumption would be that not every girl / woman does feel the same way as you and they behave according to their personal circumstances.

    But, like you, I could be wrong too.


  9. Well, as far as menstration goes, a tampon works fine if she gets in the pool.  Sometimes, women are invited to parties and it would be rude not to go, like for instance, if it was thrown by a friend.  Not every woman is completely debilitated during her period.  [Pssst... I even hear that some have enjoyed s*x, dancing and ridden a bicycle during that time of the month, but don't tell anyone here on yahoo answers.]

  10. It doesn't really matter, does it? I mean, I never go to pool parties because we don't have the weather for it here in Ireland, and I'm almost certainly too old for a pool party anyway. But I would go to a pool on my period, no problem. I mean, what's the big deal? You're wearing a tampon and the water actually helps you feel less bloated. What's the problem?

  11. LOL. My sister has this annoying habit of scheduling her period for almost every time we're invited to a pool party. (Poor her!) She still goes, but most of the time she just pops pills and socializes. Why not have some fun?

    Plus, in the event that a girl swims and has a leak, that's why there's chlorine in the water.

  12. To all those saying to "wear a tampon", the tampon does not prevent water from entering and exiting the vaginal passage, which means blood is still entering the water and going into peoples mouths. Its disgusting and inconsiderate!

  13. I just hope they are using Tampons.  Most women I know wouldn't go into someone's pool during that time of the month.

  14. seriously.

    let's rent some dvds and buy some ice cream.

    not go swimming and risk public humiliation.


  15. Are the women in the Summer Olympics who are competing in swimming competitions supposed to just "stay home that day" because they have their periods?

    Is the host of the party supposed to just stay in the house the entire time all of her friends are over for the party because the first day of her period falls on the same day of her party?

    I could MAYBE see rhyme or reason to this question if there was a crimson tide surrounding the poor girl who has her period...but 100% of the time...there won't be. When water surrounds the vaginal muscles, they actually tense up and *usually* stops menstration temporarily. In addition to this factor AND wearing a tampon, I don't think females have anything to worry about while they're in a pool.

    For the person who says "the blood is getting in your mouth". Ew. I puked in my mouth when I read that. Also, do some reading on what chlorine does in a swimming pool and its purpose. You obviously don't understand that concept.

    What's next? I swear I'm going to see a question quoting the old testament saying that when a woman sits on a chair while she has her period, "that chair will be unclean for seven days"....ridiculous.

  16. You must still wear the pads that require the belt...

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