
Why do some feminists deny anything negative about feminism?

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If you look at the history of feminism, and look at all of the unchallenged radicals:

...That are now considered "important" and "inspiring" by mainstream feminists:

You have to wonder why feminists try to deny that radicals like that are indeed a negative thing and that mainstream feminists don't think like that. If loud and vocal racists tried to claim they were "Democrats" and started to write racist books and speak racist comments, I GUARANTEE the DNC would condemn them and send them packing.

Feminists? Nope, the anti-male radicals are welcomed.

When you look at women's studies spreading lies about men and contempt for men:

...Again, you have to wonder why feminists still defend that which is clearly wrong.




  1. time and time again they run and hide when a question like this comes up.....

  2. They are just fanatics

  3. I think human experience is so varied, that it is hard for me to know why some do this and some do that... but maybe there have been things in their personal lives and experiences that have been so horrible and intolerable (rape, sexual abuse, physical and emotional abuse) that they have just reached a point where there is no more compromising, no more being patient, no more excuses. Anger for being abused and believing that they could trust to be protected instead of violated. This is my best guess about defending and not denying these women's experiences. Allowing them a place to have a voice, and to go through a cathartic process. I would not deny that to fellow sister female. Why do men and women make excuses for other men that violate women? Boys will be boys, etc...

  4. Why do you appear to spend all your waking hours obsessing about your hatred of women and feminists?

    That's just not very healthy, is it?

  5. Because is both a cult and a political movement.

    Cult and political followers often become fanatics. That is why some feminist will deny anything that will remotely afect their conception of the group. Specially if its true.

    Thankfully, not all feminist are fanatics. But the ones that are fanatics are the loudest of the group.

  6. 'Unchallenged' radicals?  

    I'm a feminist and my experience is that there's lots of debate, and Dworkin has not been transfigured through death into some sort of demi-god(dess).  Camille Paglia is still willing to kick off whenever the mood strikes her, and appreciating the role of radicals in shaping any movement is not the same as chomping it down uncritically.

    Third wave feminism does not welcome gender-based hate of either persuasion, and recognises the harm done to both sexes by the pressures exerted by patriarchy, as well as the existence of female to male perpetrated violence.  

    Perhaps also consider looking at the popular sites which I'm sure you'll enjoy, or read up on the tireless stalking and harassment campaigns against ex-wives conducted in Australia in the name of fathers rights by the Blackshirts before deciding whether also the mens rights movement could do with a little fine tuning.

  7. You need to understand that 'feminism' and 'misandry' are essential one and the same. Like all fascists they are inextricably locked in to their narrow view of the world.

    Equalism (unlike feminism) is about recognizing that men and women are born DIFFERENT but are of EQUAL WORTH, and entitled to FAIR TREATMENT under JUST LAWS. Note the words in capitals, they are of the essence. ( )

    Feminism is s*x-based, s*x-biased, and therefore socially DIVISIVE. But equalism regards all men and women as PEOPLE regardless of their gender and colour of their skin.

  8. Since it takes logic to point out ad hoc arguments which are only used to prove a point when desired and not be consistent with the ones made yesterday or tomorrow , one has to wonder why they label the ones that point this out as "sexist" or "mysoginist". Using a label and pointing a finger is easier to stir the masses than to take a step back and look at one's own hypocrisy. If they did denounce them they would realize that it would tarnish the image of unity within the ideology, the fear of being divided and conquered provoking more knee-jerk reactions and irrationality.

  9. Some great links here. I really like the report on the Colorado University prank where two male students publish a parody of the feminist flyer 'The Monthly Rag'. Although the feminist newsletter says that male castration is not violence, the boy's version caused them serious problems as it talked about 'chainsaw etiquette'. I agree with what the freedom of speech spokesman said:

    "Both should be protected, but the double standard and lack of respect for freedom of speech in this case is simply staggering".

    Somehow these double standards are totally invisible to many feminists, and ignored by the general public.

  10. If i were you, I'd stop believing half the garbage I find on the 'net' where anybody can post anything, especially their opinions and biased statistics.  as far as feminists denying anything negative - wow, yet another novel idea.  what group can you identify that has absolutely no denial about anything - regarding their group.  republicans - catholics - muslims - men - teenagers - military - developers - whites - blacks - asians - hispanics - politicians - parents - democrats - professors - need more?

  11. They have blinders on.  Even in the best things there are horrible things.  Especially when it comes to social interaction.

  12. Why must you perpetuate the stereotype by spreading this stuff? There are extremes to everything, and I don't advocate them.

    I'm not in denial, I'm just tired of the hate from both sides. Where is this going to get anyone, besides angrier?

  13. there are people with their heads up their a**** in every group

    most of the sites that you posted...i seriously doubt anyones heard of. its like you're goin out of your way trying to find fault in a group you dont like

    ...but at least you used the word *some*

  14. Is it clearly wrong to want equal pay for equal work, the right to work at any occupation you choose, and equality in all things?  

    If you believe all this is wrong, then go find yourself some meek little goose who thinks you are wonderful, never wants anything other than to "give in graciously" to your every need, forgetting her own needs, and spends her life in the kitchen.

    Good luck in finding her.

    True feminism is not Anti-Male.  You've dreamed that up on your own as a rationalization of your male chauvinistic attitude. True feminism is joyfully celebrating the fact you are female, that you love your mate, but want to walk at his side, not three paces behind him.  True feminism is in trying to have the career you select and be paid as much as any man would be paid for the same work.

    It's all in the interest of fairness and equality.  That's what feminism is all about.

  15. Feminism is built upon lies and deceits.

  16. Well, as the feminists who responded here pointed out, every group has radicals, be it religious, political, or anything else.

    But the main difference i see between most other groups and feminism is, as you say, their inability to cast down the radicals, and instead they celebrate them.

    I mean come on, 90% of what Andrea Dworkin said was just total male hate mongering. I've read many excerpts where she insists that male sexuality is linked to rape and violence. Which is so obviously absurd that no one except her and her followers even gave it a moments thought. And one has to wonder how she even came to this conclusion, considering she repeatedly stated that she never had s*x in the first d**n place.

    Sorry, Dworkin rant over.

  17. Because feminism is a cult full of fat, ugly, and sexually frustrated chicks!!

    Hey girls put on some makeup, get your hair done, hit the gym, and have a really GOOD o****m! You'll feel more relaxed and happier... I promise!!!!!!!!

  18. Why do some feminists deny anything negative about feminism?

    Because they're Republicans.

    How do you hide money from a hippie?

    Put it in the soap.

  19. It's the gender feminists, who are loony and mean.  

    Love jack

  20. The extremists of any group have a difficult time rarely admit there is anything wrong or bad about that which they're devoted to.  Ask a fundamentalist Christian what is wrong with Christianity, and they'll say nothing is.  Even die hard sports fans might fall into this--ask them what's wrong with the character of their team, and they'll say nothing is.  

    That said, it's often these extremists who push the boundaries and get things done.  That's why, even in their extremism and fanaticism they are still viewed as heroic--flawed, perhaps, but heroic.

    On another note, people rarely defend that which they see as clearly wrong.  You'll just have to chalk that much up to difference of opinion.

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