
Why do some fools insist on calling their Queen a parasite?

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I see it all the time on questions here. It could be asking why Buckingham Palace is located where it is, and some attention-seeker will write "don't know but she is a parasite anyway I'm right get ridof her I'm right republic I'm right Britain's wrong, I'm right, Britain's wrong..."

Look. 80% of the people her want a Monarchy. You people are not the men of the people you pretend to be. You would, if you had the chance, remove something the majority of the British people love.

She brings in 4 pennies for every single penny she takes. She improves foriegn relations. She is a link to our past and our ancestors.

Japan has an Emperor, and is the most modern nation in the world.

Basically your argument can be summed up like this: "I'm right and everyone else is wrong, so get rid of a lot of our money and rape the Heritage of the United Kingdom."




  1. I couldn't agree with you more.  The Queen works very hard and does a very good job as head of state, and it certainly would not be any cheaper to get rid of her and have an elected head of state, it would not only probably cost more money rather than less, but it would mean having yet more tedious elections, which we have quite enough of in this country anyway.  I think the Queen is cheap at the price.

  2. Reread your last paragraph, then your entire 'question' and note the tone of your rant.

  3. When times get rough,the less fortunate begin to grouse about the privileged.They have heavy hearts and closed minds because they can not see past their personal travails to see what the monarchy has done forr their country!

    The vast majority of the UK WANT the monarchy;they remember their history;they tried republican rule already and it FAILED and were too glad to reinstate a constitutional monarchy. In The Diana Chronicles, author Tina Brown attests:

    "...there has never been a serious appetite among the British people fo replacing the monarchy,however flawed,with a regime fronted by some official in a business suit.They tried a version of it after beheading Charles I and nobody much liked it then.For most Britons,the Crown is the golden thread that connects the people to the most glorious moments of their history,exercising a force for stability in an otherwise bewilderingly changing world." The Crown represents a force above politics.

  4. I dont know.

  5. I'm English, and live in ENgland, and last time I heard the official figures for those actually WANTING a royal family were far lower than 80%. I'm wondering where you got your facts mister. She's a sponge, and I'M more English than she is. Why the h**l do we get foreigners in to make decisions for our country?

    I'm loving the free speech. I should bugger off to Speakers Corner. I could go on for hours about old Lizzie Windsor.

  6. I'm not even British, but I think the queen is a great symbol of the whole greatness of the United Kingdom. She is friendly, helpful, generous, kind, thoughtful, and brave. She stands for everything the English people are. Some people say there is no use for her anymore, but in fact, without her, the nation would not have something to pull everyone together!

  7. So you're fighting other people's opinions with sweeping generalizations? I don't think your 80% statistic is right, and if it is, it must certainly not include Commonwealth countries that have as a Queen as well.

  8. Basically, she's more like a pet than a parasite.  Cheers!

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