
Why do some g*y males talk in relatively high pitched voices?

by  |  earlier

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Do they adapt their voices to talk in this manner or does it come naturally?

I have nothing against g*y people. It is a genuine question asked out of curiosity...




  1. to start off, most females do not have deep voices.

    the reason is their estrogen level is high to mid range

    (but when they play sports regularly the level wears down, giving them a kind of gruff voice)

    when a baby is born and he is male, and hypothetically he is exposed to high levels of estrogen, he will be kind of immaculate: with a girly way of talking and somewhat of a sassy style of walking

    My physics teacher was definitely g*y, he walked just like my female French teacher.

  2. i acshely dont know my voice is deep . to be honset i hope it stays that whay becuzz im not fully redy to com out yet onlyone person knows im g*y lol

  3. It's a stereotype. I have deep voice because I'm a bass in choir.

    My guess is that is comes naturally to a portion of the population. A study has shown that g*y males tend (but not always) to talk at a higher pitch.

    I'm willing to bet society and prejudices play a role somewhere, but I'm no expert.

  4. good question

  5. idk. I don't, i think they adapt it. Like the g*y face if you've heard of it. I don't have that either. Then again some men g*y/straight just have high pitched voices all together.

  6. It comes naturally. It's like how some guys have really deep voices. They can't really do anything about it. Just keep in mind not all g*y guys sound like that.

  7. i ALWAYS wondered the same thing....


  8. Well I think it comes naturally since I don't anything to alter until,I did a little experiment.In the 8th grade I conducted my own study since I was going to a new school I decided to talk in a deeper voice and see if I would be called g*y or have someone say anything.Well it turns out that while faking m voice I was never called g*y at all threw out the whole year.Even if I crossed my legs or I don't know what it's called where you walk and have the wrist thing.Now at the time this other boy I knew who was g*y and transferred to my school as well of course talked in his normal voice and of course people called him g*y.So i thought my study was so interesting so I'm still trying to figure it out.I think if have a "deep" voice people will think your straight since the stereotypical g*y man has a high pitched voice.I thought it was very interesting.So I'm not sure if the boys fake there voices as well or there truly talking like they talk.

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