
Why do some girls like those shy quiet guys?

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Is it because they are sensitive? What mannerisms of shy guys are attractive to girls? I can't figure this out!




  1. Because, girls want to rule these boys easily.

  2. bcz they can control them easily

  3. For me I think it's because of the mystique that shy and quiet guys have, it makes you wonder what they're like.

  4. They're really sweet and totally appreciate the attention you give them?

  5. Yes its because they are sensitive. Because they aren't loud and obnoxious, they tend to respect girls more and act more gentlemanly. These guys probably like you for who you are, not because you are pretty or hot.

  6. maybe its because they are easier to boss around

    lol i dunno.. im not attracted to them

  7. because they are not joks and then do there own thing.

  8. because they are mysterious and that is a turn on to some girls  

  9. because they're sweet and humble and bred to treat women right and don't try to play the girl they get or any of that bullshit  

  10. Some shy guys are really nice, great guys who actually aren't shy around you once they get to know you. Those are the guys I like, they're a lot sweeter and attentive. Other shy guys are just awkward and/or weird and those guy I don't like.  

  11. It depends. Usually it seems to us that those shier and quieter guys are 'deeper' or whatsoever and not so shallow and they're not little wannabes running around trying to get some attention, which can get really embarrassing to look at sometimes. I personally like shy guys too a tad :)

  12. Because girls have a natural mothering instinct, and they see "shy" guys almost as little things they can nurture and protect like their own "babies".

    Another way to think about it is that shy guys seem less threatening and some girls think they can control those kinds of guys better.

    Both theories can be correct, depending on the girl and the situation.  

  13. From my own experience with both, "Macho" and "Sensitive" guys.. Theres obviously going to be a standout between the two. The guys who think they're big and bad always have big mouths. Which makes them look cocky. Girls don't really like that. Most, anyway. With a sensitive guy, you can actually TALK to him. He's nice, sweet, and understands you. All the meatheads are just that, meatheads. Nothing going on in there minds but b***s, ***, and whens the next game coming on?

    Please, spare me.

  14. i don't know their mannerisms. maybe for some girls, shy guys are more attractive than those guys who are noisy.

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