
Why do some girls speak in Baby voices?

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I forgot the psychological reason behind this, but I noticed some girls speak in baby voices even long after their voices have changed. I've noticed this phenomenon mainly in girls talking to their boyfriends and in youngest born kids. any ideas?




  1. i heard molestation.

    i may be wrong.

  2. That's how some girls show affection, and love, and that they care. That's how they display there nurture so on and so forth..

    ...I personally thinks its creepy/annoying but hey! Alotta girls do that without realizing.

  3. I noticed when my sister was with her boyfriend, she would talk to him in a baby voice a lot. I always wondered why that was. Good question.

  4. We are naturally mothers. with infants, they respond well to the higher pitched voices and actually prefer this, thats why mothers do this. as for boyfriends, sometimes we nurture them and want to take care of them and get that "motherly feeling" towards them. somethinglike that.  

  5. I had a girlfriend that did this..

    One thing is for certain, she's inlove..coz she only talks to you that way.

    i can it - verbal dihorhea... Make fun of her by doing the same to her...

    Do you like it!? No!? Then stop!

  6. because they haven't learned to be adults and speak their minds.  Daddy and/or Mommy probably ruled supreme and they need a good dose of self-confidence and independent thinking.  Even women who are beginning to think/speak for themselves often revert to this ridiculous behavior when around men.  Sad.

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