
Why do some guys grow the nail of their little fingers ? that's soo disgusting :( !!?

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Why do some guys grow the nail of their little fingers ? that's soo disgusting :( !!?




  1. Well hun, that's pretty common for cocaine addicts.. that just might be why in some cases.

  2. To clean their ears using it really disgusting

  3. To clean their nose.... EEEEEWWW!

    @Iman - LOL

  4. yeah that's usually for snortin' maybe you should find a yourself a different group of guys to hang out with huh?

  5. it is soooo disgusting, i know! like everyone here said they use it for picking their ears, noses, opening packages of cigarettes,...

    i once knew one who grew his nail for picking his teeth!

  6. yes it's disgusting

    u know ! i used to let all my nails to grow and have and edge of a square but i stopped now .

  7. some girls do that in all their fingers

  8. To be able to open an Egyptian made Cleopatra packet of cigarettes.. you need a h**l of a tool to do that.. why the h**l do they HAVE to make it difficult for everybody in everything

  9. Perhaps it has something to do with this:

    Masa'lah: Growing long finger-nails is recommended for the Mujahideen in darul-harb (or on the battle field) - (Darul-Harb- non-Muslim country where war is waged). Amirul Mumineen Hadhrat Umar (RA) issued an edict commanding all warriors to lengthen their finger-nails as this may serve as a weapon. (Alamgiri)

    hence it is popular with more of the deobandi sects of Islam- which is India/Pak region but given the historic trading routes and spices from India then it is in the Middle East North Africa but not as much as with Asians.

    On a personal level Im a little bit over the top when it comes to hygiene so I say to any guy please cut the dirty brown nail as its really disgusting when it goes so old yuck- I really could take or eat anything that was handed to me by someone who has a nail like that errr the thought now in my mind is just yucking me out ewww!

  10. I really need to know why !!!

    Not cool at all, ew

  11. well..

    it has a disgusting origin,even though not all grow it for that reason,it is still a symbol...

    and mostly it is for picking their noses,or their ears,useing it as a tool..etc

    i can't tell u the original reason,unless u have a bucket next to you for throwing up :P

  12. Because they are disgusting low-life twats

  13. Hahahahah Lolz @ All

    ewwwwwwwwww i hate this and i notice also that they keep dirts ewwww ewwww

    To pick their noses, to open the Cigarette box as Hatem said and to mmmm dunno but i heard some little boys say its a sign of being a man.......ewwwwwww wanna vomit.

  14. To  open  the  cigarette  box   by  cutting  the cellophane  bag

  15. it is yucky!!

    just a sign of maturity in their culture

  16. yes, i noticed it .

    it's disgusting .

    i think it's the little finger of the left hand , only .

    is that right ?

  17. Lool,im not sure.

    but my sister's husband used to do it when he was like 19,20,cause he thought it was cool looool,and he said it was kinda helpful when he had it,e7m,e7m,picking the noseee....loool.idk.

    :D :D

    but he doesn't have it now,im like you,i think its disgusting,specially on guys.EW


    i wish ~noha~ was here,*sighhh*,she would like this funny question,i hope she comes back,i wonder why she dissapeared???


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