
Why do some guys want to commit suicide when they love a girl?

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Well the reason I am asking this question is because, I have a friend. That his girlfriend broke up with him not that long ago. And they have been together for awhile now. And he really loved her and now he is in the hospital cause he tried to commit suicide over her. Would someone explain to me why he would do something so horrible like that?




  1. Because he is in need of professional help.

  2. Because he's insecure and needy and based his happiness and reason to live on someone else (VERY unhealthy).

    Hopefully he'll get the help he needs to understand nobody is worth killing yourself've got to love you more than some girlfriend or boyfriend.

  3. Because they think that they are not going to find anyone else. Its sad that people think this way. I mean do you think if you break up with someone that you won't find somebody similar? Of course you are. There are so many people out there. It might have been his first love and thats why he is taking it so bad. Just tell him there is someone out there for them that is even more compatable than that girl. Because in reality.... there is.

  4. Because they are sick. Anyone who would kill themselves or threaten to kill themselves has mental issues and should see a doctor. No exceptions.

  5. Your friend is lucky to have lived...hopefully he will get the counselling he needs.  Trying to commit suicide is a sign of mental illness, whether it's manipulative or not is not the point.  Perhaps with  professional help and support of family and friends like you, he will get to a place where he feels secure enough in himself, that no matter what his reasons (probably depression/anxiety mix), he will be well enough to handle his feelings without such desperation.  Peace to you and your friend.

  6. To hurt her.  To guilt her into returning to him.

  7. guess u haven't heard of a female commiting suicide becaus she breaks up with a man. its both way round... the problem with men is the dont tell anything out aloud they keep everything in their heart. we love our partners much more anyone can imagine but rarely tell these things..., May be he thought she was the only on who he could ever live with. he didnt know she had a good friend like you...

  8. She broke his heart, he didn't know what else to do.

  9. He had invested his entire self-worth and identity in her, and felt he couldn't survive anymore. Also, he was extremely angry with her and wanted to punish her.

  10. Men and women that do this are drama queens. They think that if they are dramatic enough that the person will stay. What normal person is willing to use emotional blackmail to hang on to someone? When it happened to me (my ex tried the same thing) I called the cops on her and didn't talk to her for over a year.

  11. to get attention. if he really wanted to do it, he would have done it the right way and got it over with. sorry to be harsh, but really. he wanted attention and sympothy.

  12. simple because HE HAS MENTAL PROBLEMS!! i mean who would commit suicide becasue they love some one???

  13. He's selfish and mentally ill.  He needs counseling.  This problem stems far worse than girl troubles.

  14. Because someone can grow emotionally and physically attached to someone so close. Making that special person their everything so when they leave they feel like they've ended up with nothing.

    make sence?

    crazy in love.

    And its not only guys girls do it too.

    And there is nothing wrong with people who feel like this! that person was just really really in love.

    like the saying goes " love makes us do crazy things"

  15. Alot of people say that if you really want to commit suicide you won't fail.  If he really did not kill himself he is probably trying to manipulate the girl to go back

  16. she broke his heart and he probably felt that he had no other reason to live if she wasnt in his life. he just needs his friends by his side with their support

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