
Why do some horses eat thier f***s?

by  |  earlier

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Is it like a nutrient loss that they are trying to regain what they lost or something? Ive seen this happen in some horses where they will eat some of their droppings and im just thinking "that cant be healthy"




  1. how big of a stall does your horse have, if it isn't to large and your horse is not getting ridden at least 3-4 times a week, it is all because of board-um. It's like cribbing, it keeps them busy. Not to mention horses are grazing animals so naturally their bodies want to be eating SOMETHING during the day. No it isn't good for your horse to be eating droppings, so the solution is to clean your horses stall daily to keep him from temptation. Trees you don't really need to worry about unless  their cribbing on it.

  2. Foals will eat their mother's f***s to help them put good bacteria in their stomachs, which will help them with immunity and digestion.

    Mature horses sometimes eat their f***s looking for bits of undigested food.  It's also widely believed that they do it because of a nutrient deficiency, which will also sometimes cause them to eat/l**k dirt (for minerals).

  3. It is typically associated with a lack of protein.  Although some young foals do it just because.

  4. If the horse doesn't have enough grazing area they will do this. Make sure you give plenty of hay.

  5. In all my life, wich is 50 years, I have NEVER witnessed a horse do that!  Dog, yes.  Horses, no.  I've watched them smell it, but thats all.  Sounds like not enough pasture and excersise to me.  But what do I know!

  6. horses when they get bored eat the fence because their is nothing to do they either need to get out more or get them some toys that keeps them busy.

  7. The reason animals eat their f***s are because the f***s have bits of undigested food in them and the horses tend to eat them...again. My dog does that as well and we are planning on getting horses in the next year.

  8. I have NEVER seen a horse do that...but horses are pretty greedy when it comes to food.  I guess if there are oats and whatnot in the f***s it's possible they would go for them...

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