
Why do some japanese say "arigatou gozaimasu" and others say "arigatou gozaimashita"?

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does it mean the same even tho "gozaimashita" is in past positive form.




  1. Say, I gave your kid a sucker yesterday, but you weren't around to say thank you.

    "Arigatou gozaimashita" for that.

    I said I will come to your birthday party,

    "Arigatou gozaimasu."

    It depends when the thankful event takes place.

  2. The verb "gozaimasu" is in its present conjugation, and "gozaimashita" is the past conjugation. Therefore, if you really want to stress that you are thankful for what someone did in the past, you say "arigatou gozaimashita."

  3. depends on the situation

    cashier can say both past and present tense.

    coz you BOUGHT something and PAYING money now.

    if pearson A did something good to person B.

    B will say 'thanks' right away in both past and present tense. coz A did something but B is still talking to A. but B will say 'thanks' in only past tense after 1 hr or 1 week.

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