
Why do some kids.....?

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Why do some of these little teenagers think its cool to be called "emo"? Why do they have to classify everything instead of trying to fix the problem? When I was a kid only "goths" wore black. Everyone goes through problems, its up to them and the adults/rolemodels/guardians to try to help them, instead of enabling it by buying them the deppressing clothing.




  1. OMG! Are teenagers appropriating a style and dressing in ways that offend oldies? Are the listening to music people over the age of 20 find awful and seeking a tribal identity all of their own - WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT IT?????

  2. Most teens look down of emos and goths.

  3. Personally, I wouldn't consider being called an "emo" a compliment. I think what you're referring to is "scene." Emo has a generally negative stereotype to most teenagers...

  4. idk. they think its cool. they grow out of it

  5. because there a bunch of idiots trying to fit in a label

    emo isn't a stereotype "EMO" KIDS

    its actually a word for music

  6. if its something to do with being "different" then thats impossible cause they are dressing like everyone else of that group, therefore it cant be different cause a lot of ppl dress like that.

    In order to be different oyu would have to wear something outragous like princess outfits from fairytales etc.

    They just go through a phase and some are influenced by peer pressure.

  7. Everyone but the emos hate emos. People who actually call themselves emo are really pathetic... if someone likes the style then cool whatever, but when teens go around saying "Im emo, Im so emotional, I cut myself" then its just stupid and you know theyre putting it on. I think its so stupid, I used to have a heavy fringe and because of the fringe heaps of people I didn't know called me emo, and would assume I'd listen to all this music that I actually didn't. Like someone said before, emo is actually just a type of music, that sorta morphed into a stereotype... Its like me saying Im Rhythm and Blues or Hair Metal.

  8. I think this is an unfair judgement. You need to realise that society is full of all sorts of characters. Just because "emo's" dress the way they do, this does not neccessarily mean that they are emotional and depressive. It's simply a way of dressing. Most children/teenagers go through a fase where they are influenced on their fashion by their peers. Of course, there are individuals who dress how they want to because it feels right, but I remember back in the day when 'punk' wear was the key to being percieved as cool, sure I grew out of it within a year or so. I don't understand why this has to bother you so much about how they dress. But again, I can see your point of view how a minority of "emo's" are depressive, but again, it's a fase, and most of them will look back and cringe at their influenced days. I personally believe that "chav's" are the issue of today. :)

  9. A little pointed out fact is that this is our society growing. If you have to ask this question you either have not been a teenager or you have forgotton what it's like. It's hard for a lot of kids. It was hard for me. It's hard for the "emo" kids. The reason there are so many of these kids is because they don't want to be different, they want to be accepted. But they want to be accepted by what they see as cool. Some people want to be jocks, some people want to be badasses, some people want to be emo. It's a personal preference thing. The kids who want to be accpeted are the ones who scream "I'm emo, I slit my wrists, I bleed black". It starts with one person and moves down the line, the same way the goth trend did and still is. It's an underlying outcry for acceptence more than it is for difference. Everyone wants to be different but we're all pink on the inside.

  10. One thing that pisses me off... a h**l of a lot. Is that, our society, can't handle stereotypes.

       Do Vegetarians, Just eat Salads and nothing else? No they don't but steroetypically they do! Same with Emo. Do they cut themselves? No they don't.

       I could probably guess where that all originated aswell. Lets take one the very first "Emo". Now normally like any other person he's happy. But when he gets sad he would like release it in some way! Maybe this first emo cut himself to release it! Now I am not saying that emo's actually cut. They don't... Everyone is different, the first "emo" just used this method.

        Yes, he has to release it in some way. Now tell me, when you are angry, or been angry, have you punched a wall? Because that's basically just a release too, am I right?

         Also! Emo, is basically just a Style now! Have you recently noticed on the Fanta commercials, they're using the Emo style on the Characters? YOU DO NOT... See the Emo characters try to cut themselves with the bottle cap of the Fanta Bottle!!!

    Also, I don't think they're cool as such. I do. But society doesn't... infact "emo" is almost used as Hate Speech. I suppose they act like that for the better. I mean. Oftenly, they don't want to go round making Fires. They do it sometimes. Not to be a Chav/Scally/Townie.

        Sorry If i have ranted a little much, but i'm just trying to get the point across that the Emo does not cut! If in some parts I have not made sense in this Answer, I hope you have got the grasp in what I was trying to say.

  11. i hate emo! they think they are indivuals but they are really just more crowd followers! There are TOOOOO many emos in the world! it is a music that stands for emotionally hardcore. and dont listen to the people that say "Emo Stands For Emotional" ****. and dont get confused between the music and that so called "lifestyle" AKA fashion statment gone crazy! i really cant stand all these posers and emos! I am ranting...sorry!

  12. its just a lil faze they are going threw.

  13. Because, similar to   a question asked earlier, they want to be different. Just like everyone else :-)
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