
Why do some kids today try to grow up to fast?

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Why do some kids today try to grow up to fast, I was born in the 60s and kids then acted their ages, if you were 12 you acted 12 not 20 out having s*x, drinking, getting criminal records etc.. And we now have 12,13 year olds asking should I get on the pill.. So to all you young pre teens the answer is a kid!!!




  1. to add to this scary trend my neighbor is all excited and what-not that her barely six year old daughter is completely flirting and hitting on the seven year old boy I baby-sit!!  My own daughter is only six months younger and I told her that she's to enjoy her polly pockets, barbie dolls and those things and forget about 'cute boys, Hannah Montana and all that other c**p until she's at least ten!  I agree, but then I'm one of the older Moms in my neighborhood (36) and most of the others either have much older kids than me or are WAY younger - maybe that's part of the change.  I don't think its just a responsibility thing though, my parents were a rare divorce when I was barely a teen and I had jobs from the time I was 11 yrs old, I still was 'just a kid'.  I just hope my kids are never on the news for anything more than their birthdays!

  2. kids see all the cool stuff adults get to do like driving and want to be like that

  3. Yes, but today's 12 year old has been walking home and staying there alone until mom gets home since he or she was 8.  I think that its on the parents for not monitoring more carefully.

  4. Yeah i so agree, I think its cause kids are too exposed to the real world. Like the things they see on TV, or what they might over hear...they are just too influenced by the thought by being older will make them cooler or w/e

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