
Why do some many people say they want to go to University to go and party and drink?

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I mean i thought the whole point of a University is to study I mean when i go to uni i want to go there to study. and maybe relax not to party.

I sound like some 40 year old but i am 17 really.




  1. Because they know at the University that there are no parents.  Meaning they can party and drink however they want to.

    But you will find that most of those kids that say that end up failing out of school within a year.

    Just be yourself, don't worry.  If those kids want to party and drink all the time, then let them.

  2. im the same

    most of the people your talking about walk out in dept and without a degree cause they party and dont study

  3. The drinking age. I fully believe that in America if the drinking age was LOWER and our laws were less strict that binge drinking would stop. Now you cannot even teach your children sensible drinking without getting arrested. Some woman locked all the doors at her son's eighteenth birthday, supplied the beer, then took the keys. To be honest I applauder this woman. She could very well have saved lives because there is no doubt these kids would have drank anyway and she wanted to make sure it was safe.

    She is now serving three years in jail and her sons have become depressed and dropped out of school. Alcohol doesn't ruin lives, laws do.

  4. Way to go!! Believe me, when I was your age, I just couldn't wait to get out of the house so I could just do whatever I wanted to, drink, etc. It was the biggest mistake of my life. That was mainly what I did when I went to I'm 43 years old and in a dead-end job and just now thinking about going back to school. Don't end up like me, people!!!  

  5. Yer of corse you go to uni to study but whats wrong with partying and drinking and having a laugh with your mates otherwise its just borning!!!

  6. Because they are away from their parents, away from their parents' rules, and they think they can do anything they want, so they drink and party till all hours. What no one talks about are the rates of things like drug overdoses, date rapes and sexual assaults, and the number of kids who wind up in the morgue from acute alcoholic poisoning. I grew up in a college town in Indiana ( if you are in the UK or Australia, that is a state in the American Midwest) and there were students who were hospitalized or wound up dead every year because of heavy drinking. Some of these kids were people I knew or went to school with- and believe me, reading about their deaths in the papers, or seeing the memorials on TV, was NOT a fun experience.

    College is supposed to be about learning and studying, and advancing your professional skills so you can get a good job. It's NOT supposed to be one endless party- you are correct about that. The people who say this are people who have some pretty serious emotional problems, and you are wise not to follow their example.

  7. Because they're away from home and are free to do whatever the heck they want. A lot of people only have about 10 hours of lectures a week, and don't study until about a week before exams start. Might seem like a generalisation or a stereotype but it's true.

    I would much rather study - I'm paying thousands of pounds to be here so why waste it?!

    Some people just have odd priorities I guess

  8. People say that because they know they can do that once they go to college. You can study and party, just balance it out. Maybe only party once a week, or once every two weeks and cut down on the booze.  

  9. well why not. People can work hard and then party hard. Let people do what the want mate! :P

  10. because different things are important to different people.

    if to you its about studying and getting a good education, then good for you, just do what makes you happiest.

    but understand some people find friends more important, some people like the social aspect. and thats fine, they are allowed to do whatever they wish if they want

  11. You can choose not to party. I did not party that much when I was at Uni but I do wish I had! It was the best time of my life! I missed out on many life experiences and getting to know a lot of people. I was reserved to myself and just studied and relax like you said. But I think apart from that, party definitely brings you experiences you'll never forget! You can relax whenever you want but with friends at uni, there's no better time to party!

    Of course make study your priority!

  12. Because at University, you are free to do what you want. You're free from the rules of the house, and you're free from the rules of your parents - you have no one to please - but yourself.

    Everyone says they want to go to University to Party - but that's just part of the experience. Most people who are actually there - are there to study.

  13. I agree with you one hundred percent, maybe because they are in their final year of school and spending a lot of time studying and want a bit of a break after a decade and a half of schooling

  14. because they do party and also have time to study but you have a great social life at uni...

  15. " study hard, party harder"

  16. Because it's your last chance before you have to become sensible and work. I think it's important to find a balance rather than simply restricting yourself to either partying full time, or not at all. Nothing in excess ;]

    I just think that if you don't relax and let yourself have fun at Uni, even if it is on YOUR terms, then you're going to look back and regret it when you don't have the same opportunities ever again.

  17. If you can persuade your parents to finance you for a "gap"  year before going to Uni at, say 20, then you are assured of another 3 years holiday which will take you to just about your mid-twenties before you need think about signing-on for your unemployment benefits.

    I watched the Norweginan young soldiers at the Edinburgh Tattoo at the weekend.  They have a system of a gap year between school and University but it is spent in some form of National Service (not necessarily Military).  They were so self-controlled and mature that I really wondered if that might not be a better form of gap year than holidaying around the World.

    Maybe the self-discipline learned would enable our own young people to approach Uni with a more mature attitude towards studying for a career or profession.

  18. because they r sad

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