
Why do some members leave questions without choosing Best Answer ?why some are not fair in their choice ?

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we are here exchanging our views objectively as brothers and sisters .

why do some leave Q s without choosing the Best Answer s ?

who do some make bad choices that are obviously not objective ?

let us show objectivity in our category that includes wonderful members .




  1. after a year on  " Answers "  I found out the friends----- what to make points ,  they pick their boyfriend or friend that has  to many violations ,  and I dislike it very much ,  because  " what does points or numbers mean  ?     We are all just a number in life .  But it seems that girls in Egypt room have to be  # ONE ,   and we all know there is only one  # ONE.   so they have to face it  ' on judgment day "     I just say what I think .  thumbs down me ,  do anything you want .

  2. Most people who leave questions without choosing probably received more than one best answer and don't know how to choose

  3. why ? need more Best Answers ??

    al tama3 darr wala nafa3 :p

  4. because i usually forgot to choose a best answer

  5. Because we are humans and is no big deal after all.

    I used to get upset when I put a lot of effort in answering a question and the best answer goes to someone who made a joke for example.

    But now I am just answering to provide the Asker with the information he wants or sometimes provide my opinion.

    Getting best answer or not doesn't make any difference, I will not get a pay rise or higher position in life being top contributer in a certain section.

    The other part of the story is that you think that an answer is great but the asker think that someone else's answer is better. So you can't really judge.


  6. Most who ask questions in Egypt,israel or lebanon ask questions only seeking answers that reaffirm their preexisting views.When they fail to get one they dont choose.

  7. People should choose a best answer and qualify their choice in the comments section. I think some people ask so many questions they sometimes forget to follow through. It would be nice if the YA computer program could automatically generate a reminder. It would help a lot don't you think?

    Some people are really not asking for objective answers. They want validation. Out of paranoia or and an unwillingness to consider other opinions, these types are always going to pick the answer that most resembles their own views.

  8. many times you forget..

    and many times also all the answers are not to the level of the best answer...

    sometimes, someones didnt answer to really answer, they do it cause they want the 2 points and said that them selfs..

    and maybe in your eyes you choose best answer to a qu. but the asker cant see that.. you got me?

    anyway the best answer stands for it self and its obvious

  9. I have decision phobia........... lol

  10. as eman said when i get confused i leave it to voting, and sometimes i forget bardo.

  11. Yes, I like Egypt too.

  12. I don't put my questions to vote ..

    Don't forget that people differ ..

  13. I think it should be required for the asker to pick the best answer. What is the point of even asking if they don't bother to go back & read the answers? Although I don't ask very many questions I always pick a best answer, to kind of show folks that I appreciate their taking time to answer.

    Can I ask you a question please? Why is your question under the category "Egypt"? I don't mean to put the category Egypt down in any way, just curious. Isn't this a P&S kind of question?

  14. I always try to pick a best & objective answer, not once have i ever left it to voting, hard as it is to choose sometimes.

    I am afraid that there have been times when i have been unable to pick a best answer as = THE QUESTION WAS REMOVED FOR A VIOLATION, then it cant be helped.

    There are also those who have lost their accounts, so are unable to choose a best answer, thats even more frustrating.

  15. When i get confused about a best answer i leave it to voting and i think u like voting !!

  16. People should choose a best answer and qualify their choice in the comments section. I think some people ask so many questions they sometimes forget to follow through.  It would be nice if the YA computer program could automatically generate a reminder.

    Some people are really not asking for objective answers.  They want validation. Out of insecurity or and an unwillingness to consider other  opinions, these types are always going to pick the answer that most resembles their own views.

  17. Some times when u leave a question without picking a best answer ..... after 4 days i think, automatically, answer is picked as best answer according to the votes (( Thumps up ))

  18. I agree with you 100%

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