
Why do some men blame women for the pay gap and feminism for the grade gap?

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  1. Are you really going to compare the plight of CHILDREN to the plight of GROWN WOMEN?  God, feminists really do think they're helpless then don't they. lol I guess thats why they need a movement, no?

  2. Why do women blame the wage gap on sexism but the grade gap on men?;...

  3. Women are evil!!!!

  4. I thought you blamed us for the pay gap?

  5. I sense that the men on this particular to category have some really sad issues and are unable to have relationships with women.  So they take out all the anger on this website.  

  6. Most men do not pay any attention to the "wage gap". So why would they blame anyone. The people who complain about it are the women and we know who they blame.

  7. I say more power to women, go get the almighty dollar.

    But, I also think some women, use the "crutch" of being a woman to blame the gender gap for their short comings in life.

    A lot of men in these forums, such as Yahoo Answers, are ignorant, and couldnt make a valid point if their lives depended on it.  Which makes us all look bad.

    So in conclusion, I feel women are now playing on a level playing field.  I work for a fortune 500 company, and honestly feel that they are getting a fair shake in the work world.

  8. It's all part of the game.  For some, mind you , not all.  The game is to go deep, deep, into your corner and then try to get a rise out of the group who seems to be deep, deep, into the opposite corner.  If you have not achieved what you hoped for in life, it is easier to look outside yourself for an excuse.  We ALL would do well to take more responsibility in our lives.

    However, this is not a phenomenon that is exclusive to men and feminism.  As others have / will no doubt point out, it goes both ways.  It is convenient to tar someone with an imagined fault in order to distract from the real issues.  All you have to do is look at politics in the US to see this is a tactic used over and over again.

    But, you asked about men blaming women, so I'll answer that specific.  Many men feel disenfranchised by contemporary "western" society.  When they scan the horizon, "feminists" stick out as a group which seem (rightly or wrongly) to be "anti" men.  On this forum, there are women who fuel the fire, by belittling the issues faced by men and suggesting that it is not up to them to offer support, because THEY had to fight and struggle for what they achieved.  And of course, once you have gone through that struggle you want to make sure that nobody else has an easier time of it, right?

    Men have a tremendous responsibility to address the concerns of men today.  Men should be advocating positive roles for other men and highlighting the positive aspects of masculinity.  Complaining only goes so far.  But women could have a little empathy.  Time for both to come out of the corners.

    Sorry for the rant...

  9. Because it's always our fault on GWS. Hurricanes, earthquakes, mudslides, bed bugs, male pattern baldness, low-calorie salad dressing, erectile dysfunction, global warming, space radiation.

    All due to feminism.

  10. Because THOSE men love blaming women for everything.

  11. Talking about the pay gap, I do think it mostly comes down to women's choices more than blatant sexism.  Women tend to be in lower-paying jobs than men.  There probably is a slight amount of sexism involved, but not much, certainly not enough to explain such a large difference.

    Single women tend to make more than men in a lot of places.  Almost nobody, on either side, mentions this.  

    As for the education gap, I think a lot of that has to do with boys' choices.  The main things I noticed in regards to gender differences when I was in school was that girls seemed to be able to get away with much more than boys, and they seemed to be able to get help easier than boys.  Boys who talked in class didn't get much warning, girls usually did.  That's more behavioral than academic, but if you're being unfairly treated by a teacher, or you think you are, that can affect how you treat the class.  

    I see some anti-feminists doing what you do.  I see some feminists going the opposite way, blaming men for the pay gap and boys/men for the grade gap.  I think it's a lot more complicated than that.

  12. Imposter, I salute you sir!

  13. Got it backward bud, feminists(and women) are the one that keep on saying that sexism is the sole or major cause of the wage gap.

  14. I will agree that the pay gap is mostly due to the career decisions of women and very little to discrimination. But it's OK to assume without substantive evidence that the grade gap is mostly due to discrimination, obviously.

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