
Why do some men get all offended when women state the obvious?

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Jay: Though (with a background in neuroscience) I won't agree that anything has been proven with certainly about men being more "logical" and women more "compassionate" or "emotional" I will say that it appears that women see men more as partners where men see women as competition.




  1. Why does anyone have to be better than anyone else, or have more power?  Why can't we, men and women, each have our own special abilities, important for the survival of the species, and one does not have to be more important than the other.  Yes, someone has to hunt for the food, but yes, someone has to have the baby's or in short time there would be no need for food.

    We are all important, all powerful, all special and unique, life is not a contest about who is better and to make it one empowers no one and keeps us separate, when in truth, we need each other.

  2.   Because men need to feel needed, not just wanted.  Maybe most of the responses were from guys that are not mature enough yet.

  3. I reckon some men get offended because those men see gendered relationships in terms of competition.  They have a need to see women as fundamentally different from themselves, and they need to feel superior in most respects, if not all.  They express a general idea of 'men are important and women aren't'.  

    I don't think all men see the world like that.  If I were going to hypothesise wildly, I'd guess that men who feel a need to see the male s*x as superior to the female s*x are probably extrapolating from experiences in which they've felt dominated by women and resented it.  I think many men have been very hurt by women, and the myth that women are inherently nurturing and caring is painful to those men, but at the same time they wish it were true...  as long as women don't overstep the mark and gain too much power over them.

  4. Though women often seem to forget that without men there can be no giving of birth. So your "power" is entirely dependable on men. And here come the thumbs down.

  5. Man have the need to be respected

    I lived state side during the Northridge earth quack there were two women that lived next door would not even greet me After the quake hit they ran to my house They asked if they could sleep in my home I lived alone

    We males were calming them down shutting off gas lines etc The next day we were getting water out of the pool so they could flush the toilets I said ''today we are hero's tomorrow pigs'' All five of us sit there laughing

    O K so your able to have kids My cat just had six top that  Find a turkey baster some were and go for it

  6. You are correct and I get called a feminist because I agree!! Which is not the definition or a feminist, so whatever. But they get offended because they think they are the stronger s*x and they don't want to admit that women have ALL this power over them because all they care about is attractivve women and s*x. They are controlled by women one hundred percent and are motivated solely by their c***s. A man will throw away his family and his whole life for one night with a woman who isn't his wife because women have so much power over them. They go to strip clubs for ***** sake! They go there and let some girl tease them and take all thier money. They get offended because it's true. They have to be superior in all other fields because they KNOW that women control them. Come on, how many guys want to play sports solely to play sports? Or play guitar or sing or make money? They want to do all those things because those things will get them laid. Not one man on earth will ever say(unless he's g*y) that he doesn't need a woman. They know that we really don't need them, especially not for s*x (anything you can do, I can do better) so this infuriates them. It's true, sorry.

  7. How many men do you interact with on a daily basis?

    You really think that we feel insecure about women not needing us?

    I'm sorry, but your entire argument is bizarre, especially your sexual power argument, considering in the stripper situation i hold all the cards.

    As for a relationship situation, she may have s*x to give me, but guess what? She gets horny too, most men dont realize that if we just wait it out they will come to us. They dont realize this because they cave before this happens, but trust me guys, it works.

    Also, in regard to your "pleasure of connection" argument. Ever seen a new dad hold his baby girl? Go take a good look at that scene and get back to me.

    Honestly, even your reproductive argument is flawed, considering you need the man in the equation for anything to happen reproductively, nothing happens without the man, thus, we equalize out reproductive power, it levels out.  

  8. I almost wish men were oppressed so we could complain. :D

    Seriously, I agree, men are just insecure. Sexism comes from the size inequality (in nature, bigger = better to the ignorant) and from men's jealousy of their reproductive power (a woman can be a single mom by choice, a man can't be a single dad).

  9. It's no secret that women effectively use s*x as a tool ,a means to an end.

    If that's what you mean by" sexual  power ", I don't think I'd be bragging about that.

    As far as" reproductive power" I could knock a chick every day of the year ,on a good day 2 or 3 literally creating 100s of lives a year.

    Can a chick do that ?

  10. Women do have more reproductive rights. Only a moron would contest that fact. We may not like it because of the talk of equality, and evidence of it being one sided...

    The fact that "men are good at science and math" is for the most part a myth.

         The average man and the average woman have the same math/science capabilities.

          But for some reason or another some people with aspergers syndrome excel at math and science. And because of genetics for every 10 males with aspergers only 1 female has the syndrome.

          Other than that it is mostly a myth.

  11. The p ussy is the most powerful force in the universe.

  12. I don't understand your "reproductive power" stance. So your body enabled you to be the carrier. This is power over a man? I don't get the point of arguing that you have more reproductive power at all as both are needed in this process. Of course, the pro-man stance in this argument is silly as well.

    By sexual power, do you mean like when a stripper claims she has power because she can get men to throw money at her just because she is gyrating her naked body? Or when women claim to feel power over a man when fellating him? That you women control the situation of whether or not you will sleep with a man? Well s*x is still seen as somewhat degrading to the receiver. The stripper is the one "begging" for the money so men have the power of giving it to her. Also look at all the "i did your mom" or bj insults. Even thrown out by your fellow women when wanting to insult another. It's hard to see the "power" women have in s*x because of that.

    Yes, women have the power to determine if they will let the man have them. But so many women are easily bought and so cheap it's hard to see that they have any power.

  13. Well I wouldn't base the general male population on some insecure men who say men are better than women or superior and such silly contests. Most guys I know think men have certain advantages and strengths to women and women having certain strengths and advantages to men, that in the end are complimentary to one another. I think the he or she is better than whoever is kind of immature and you shouldn't base men on the few answers and questions you see in this question by some men. By the way, there are some women who post sexist answers and questions against men too, so it goes both ways.

    The fact of the matter is that many women do have sexual power upon many men, because of the innate visual/horny, s*x driven nature of men and above all, these guys let it control them. These men allow themselves to be manipulated or altered because of them letting their c**k take over rational thought and judgement or allow s*x to impair their judgment. Some guys are clever or are more analytical and aren't as governed by their c**k, therefore, more skeptical and not controlled by s*x so easily. I would have to say that I'm one of those guys, but then again, anyone who knows me, knows that I'm very analytical, and clever and have quite a bit of pride and dignity. This stuff you are talking about is of insecure men, there are plenty of men who don't feel superior or threatened by women and respect and love women. Don't base this judgement on the male population in whole because of some insecure boys. I, by the way don't feel men are superior to women, but women and men both having certain strengths to each other and women deserve to be respected equal to men.

    I guess it;s a matter of interpretation. I see s*x power as far as the manipulation context, which is true many times for men because of what you said. But as far as desire of s*x and that difference, I don't see that as power unless it's treated that way and that just being basically biological difference and again a matter of personal perspective. I don't see it as a power, but then again, I don't treat having s*x with women as an accomplishment either as other men might do. Seeing from your others questions, you are quite the thinker and intelligent.

  14. well its been proven that men have a more systematic mind than women who are more compassionate. but also men have testosterone so theyre more competitive than women. yeah i said it we're as a whole gender more competition minded. so therefore we think that we have to be better than women when in reality neither is better becuase both genders would die off if the other weren't alive. so there's your answer. both genders will argue which is better but both rely completely on the other so its a stupid debate and it shows how simple minded people are. and that brings me to my next point, dont smoke crack. sorry. um yeah women can birth a baby. but a woman cant impregnate another woman. men can impregnat women but men cant be pregnant. yeah so which is better? if you know that answers your obviously jesus or the almighty himself. ( sorry if your atheist, it;s not my fault )

  15. because your wrong.

  16. It's just how they are. Men are originally born to be the Hunters, the one that women depend on to hunt down food for them, bring it back home, and etc.

    It's just part of their genes, they were probably born with that set in their mind. Sort of like how we're all born with certain instincts, maybe we're all born with certain notions set in our head?

    I don't think it should really matter though, I'm a woman myself and while I do know and acknowledge that women have more sexual and reproductive power, I don't really talk about it because it will almost always start a fight.

    Men and Women are born equal, and should always be equal.  

  17. I say look to the religion, women are blamed for everything and if its not our fault then Satan made them do it! lol. But what i am saying in part is true. Time and time again women are look as if they are whores or trouble girls, when they do not fallow the rules of society. I believe a long, long, long time ago men knew the truth we can survive without them and if we could figure it out we might just do it!

  18. Because you're wrong..  Without men women wouldn't be able to reproduce..

    Men don't get offended.  Women just make a big deal about everything  :-P

  19. look who's talking ms "women are better than men"

    men are better than women in alot of things. Studies says otherwise but who cares about studies. I have seen when boys become artist,muscians,scientist,and speak different language.

    as for reproducting,yes women are better because you get pregnant.

  20. Women are beautiful, intelligent creatures with a vast array of talents.  I suspect many guys are frustrated (in more ways than one!) and so hence some of the answers.

    Women are superior in some aspects, men superior in others.  However to answer your question, you are probably right.  I'm a man and can't comprehend a woman's point of view.

    Yes there are guys who put women down.  I guess so they can feel superior (and some women do the same.)  

    As for sexual power I'm not sure what you mean.  Maybe you mean they are more alluring?  Or have more power to control others?  As for reproductive power, well women give birth.  

    Maybe men have been programmed to act certain ways...and women programmed to act in other ways.  That appears to be changing.  Only MotherNature knows the end result.  Hmm or a massive computer generated program...

    Edit:  "When women state the obvious"  well men have been programmed to solve problems (according to the media.)  

    So when a woman states the obvious, perhaps the male brain is saying "wtf, I just fixed her ...<this or that> and she is telling me (what men translate via the female language) I am wrong/defective...

  21. Your leg is being pulled is all.  Pay them no mind.

  22. You're sexual and reproductive power means nothing without a man, whereas we can invent things without women :-D  

  23. has anyone considered how this just feeds the flames?  if people want to eliminate differences and treat each other the same, ladies, gentlemen, stop harping on the differences! the world would be a much happier place if both sides just shut the h**l up.  

  24. men and  women are two sides of a coin. one cannot exist without the other. this is a plain and simple fact.

    men have certain abilities physical strength, rational thinking, technical bend of mind, objectivity, etc.

    women have certain abilities like mental strength, emotional thinking, compassionate bend of mind, creativity, etc.

    so the women's power to give birth is complimented by the men's power to impreganate the women.both powers co-exist. one is incomplete without the other.

    as for sexual power, as assumed in the act of recreational copulation, men are kind of weak between their legs. it is an involuntary muscle mass which responds to stimuli. this stimulation could be physical, visual, verbal, implied  or imaginary. and you will most certainly agree that such stimulating factors are found in abundance in our society.

    on the other hand it is a scientific fact that women take a little longer to warm up to a sexual act. hence more empahasis is laid on technically, women are at an advantage.

    now to answer your question as to why they get annoyed when the obvious is stated. well, thats how the society has been made. the rules were laid down by the men centuries ago, so as to suit their own uphold their own strengths and undermine those of their opponents.for men it has always been the survival of the fittest.society ridicules an underperformer/weakling. hence none of the men would admit to being one. our social make up demands them to put their best appearances at all times. so, in such a scenario if you state the obvious, its like hitting them below the belt.---[and there lies their weak point.]   so to prove to all and sundry that they are not losers, they get defensive and annoyed.

    but the bottom line is this that men and women are two sides of the same coin. they both need each other in order to be complete.

  25. lol

    Who cares about who has more "sexual power"?

    Eliminate one and reproduction ends >_>

    So it's the same

  26. "What I'm saying is that women have this great and vitally important ability that men simply lack...Men make a deal about things they do "better" than women, but when female reproductive abilities come into the picture, suddenly it doesn't matter whose "better" at what. It's "women need men, women need men" like a mantra."

    What most women don't seem to understand is that men are generally survival-driven. Hence, from a survival perspective, birthing is a liabilty not an asset. A pregnant woman in her final months is about the most helpless creature in the animal kingdom. She can barely put on and tie a pair of shoes, let alone defend herself from a bear or run from an enemy. In addition, the pain of birthing, the morning sickness often experienced, and the danger of serious medical complications can hardly be seen as as positives. As a matter of fact, a lot of women died in ancient times due to child birth.

    I could on, but the facts are simple - the vast majority of men DON"T WANT TO GIVE BIRTH and are thankful they don't have to. Yes, men will agree that birthing is "great and vitally important," but so is the role of garbage man in modern society. Yet, I don't envy the garbage man, nor would I want his job. I value my garbage being picked up, but I don't respect the garbage man for doing it. And his low-status job certainly doesn't give him any superiority over me. Like it or not, that's how most men see women and child bearing.    

    "The power I refer to is the power to take control of another person's body without coming near. Men are generally not able to do that, whereas women do so regularly. Basically men want women sexually more than women want men sexually. There is inherent power in that."

    Men want women more sexually, until a man and woman are married for a few years. Then s*x becomes much more boring and watching football becomes a lot more interesting. Also, women reach their sexual prime in their early thirties while men's sexual drive is declining and often find themselves in a position of begging their husbands for s*x. No much sexual power there.  

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