
Why do some men hit on married women? don't they have any respect for that ring?

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they see that she is taken, so why bother




  1. They hit on them so they aren't expected to stick around and your ring is their ticket to move on to another conquest.

  2. I have pounded more married women in than you would believe. Tip: Don't go for the insecure ones always worrying about how they look. Get a confident married woman and pound it in. They are easy and lose respect for their husbands afte a while.

  3. cuz they're dogs.

  4. I know what you mean! I hate it when guys talk to me! I have a wedding ring & my husbands name tattoo on my wrist for everyone to see!

  5. no strings attached s*x....thats what a guy told me once...I was shocked but it makes complete sense

  6. Well basically, it's the testosterone speaking. You know how sometimes men think that they have "other" body parts that do the thinking for them? That's the reason why. There are books written on this scientific theory as to why women are more composed and men can't keep it in their pants. All to do with hormones!

  7. Its not just no respect for the ring its the fact that you can get laid without the hang up of a relationship,shes married so Its all about the s*x,hit and run.Why do some married women fall for these guys?

  8. If they can get her as in having s*x with her its like adding points to there book. There like yeah I Fu*ked a married woman it makes them seem to think there all big and bad.

  9. Because some married women are frustrated and will accept a proposition.  Best scenario for a man, to get s*x from a woman and have another man support her.

  10. They think they might just get lucky and hit on a gal that cheats.  I don't have a problem with this actually.  I find it flattering.  However I also know how not to flirt and how to say No.  One guy just upped and told me how large he was!  I promptly told him how that was totally inappropriate and avoided him for at least a year.

    There are a lot more young unmarried girls hitting on married men in the work place than men hitting on married women!

  11. Because it's an ego trip for them to try and get someone who is already taken.  And if they succeed in getting them, it's free s*x without the commitment.  BTW, same can be said about some women who hit on married men.

  12. Some guys love getting a married woman to cheat, its a thrill or exciting or something to them i guess

  13. Some men hit on any and all women. It's just fun for them. They're just big flirts. Hitting on women is like a sport

  14. The same reason that women hit on married men. Some people enjoy the chase more than the catch or enjoy the deed more when the challenge is complete. Basically, married men and women are not as easy as your typical single person which puts some fun into the seduction game. The bonus with married people too is that you know they're not going to want any committments with you. No worries about emotional attachments after a fling when you're dating a married person!

    Anyway, if your wife is being hit on, trust her. Unless she's up for the game, he can't play alone. He can m********e, but he can't cheat alone. Respect her and know she's not going to be tricked into s*x.  

  15. Scumbags, low lifes, and I wouldn't use the term men, they certainly aren't men, when I see someone hit on one of my married female friends, I get involved and tell them they are married, and I take their picture with my cell phone and send it to their husbands.  This scares the **** out of the sumbags.

  16. simple, most guys dont have the aversion towards seeing married women that most women have towards seeing married guys.  

    how many times do you see a question here where a girl is seeing a married guy.  the woman are all over that like flies on s**t.  

    for guys this as a sexual quest and the harder the prize the more rewarding it is.  they're not looking to marry her or steal her.  they know it's a rental and that's all most guys, most of the time are looking for.  

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