
Why do some men objectify women as just sexual beings?

by Guest63344  |  earlier

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In my job, I work with some damaged people. In your opinion, what makes a man de humanize women into just something for sexual purposes and devoid of feelings worth considering? Do you think it is child abuse? bad parenting by the father? peer pressure or another? Some men I work with just see women as walking sexual organs to abuse, no respect even as a human being.




  1. pervert

  2. i really don't know why, i am not like this, never will be but honestly the same could be said for women too

  3. If its something they truely believe, it may just be ignorance, though that may seem obvious. Child abuse is an unlikely cause, being unrelated. Parenting only goes so far, unless this case is even more extreme than it sounds... I can't imagine why you say peer pressure. There ideas are like a sort of religion, they don't accept obvious fact, it must be something ground into thir brains but I couldn't say why.

  4. This is mainly due to testosterone.

    For example, Eunuch's in the past were castrated so they would not have a s*x drive.  One of their duties was to protect women royalty since they were incapable of s*x and did not desire it.

    A man's testosterone level decreases dramatically at age 35.  Around 35 also,  men usually gain more maturity also and social skills in dealing with the opposite s*x in an equal manner.

    Other possibilities for the increased objectification of women include the proliferation of pornography and objectification of women in advertising.

  5. What causes this, as far as I know it is excess testosterone.  Men, basically, are predators, sexual predators.  s*x is what they want, first priority.  They pretty-much have to be taught to value a woman as more than a s*x object.  Unfortunately, this is just the way they are.  They don't mean to be malicious, they are just short-sighted.  As they mature, it is easier for them to learn to value women for all of their good qualities, but usually, it is the women who have to do the teaching, if it gets done.

  6. those possibilitys u mentiond are all probably true.

    It does suck tho doesnt it? We are just as human as they are and have a mind and feelings.

    Men like that arent worth knowing, but if ur having2 work with em, just remember that not ALL guys are like that, these people are just a minority.

    Make a complaint if its really really gettin u down tho

    coz THATS sexual harrassment!

    Ud think all that would be behind society by now but it will probly always be here!

    Evil chauvenistic pigs - they dont even deserve a blow-up woman!

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