
Why do some men try and control who their ex's sleep with?

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Why do some men try and control who their ex's sleep with?




  1. because they are selfish, it's the age old 'I don't want you, but I don't want anyone else to have you' most have that mentality so they can keep their ex around as a booty call when they have a 'dry spell' as they say. It's pretty immature.

  2. To protect their children.

  3. Because they still like their ex.  Plus men are more possessive than women.

  4. Because there is more than "sleeping" going on. You know it, and I know it. There is some hanky panky going on in the covers.  

  5. it's not just men sweetie~

  6. Probably the same urge to manipulate and control that made them ex's in the first place.  

  7. Those are the men that can't let go.  They're experiencing a bit of jealousy.  Not to mention, if you have children with your ex, he could also be concerned for their welfare.

  8. Because some of us are just stupid.  We are so into ourselves that we think that because we broke up with you then you must be horribly devestated and want us back oh so much.

    So then when you sleep with someone else, we're like "That w***e!  She wants me back and she's sleeping with someone else! How dare she?"

    It's stupid, egotisical, and borderline delusional.

    And when I say some guys.. I mean.. not me.  Im normal.

  9. Insecurity.   Remember they are ex's for a reason.

  10. Until you get over someone, sometimes there is still that feeling of entitlement.  

  11. I don`t think they try and control who the exes sleep with, rather, they want to keep the ex down in a rut as long as possible....

  12. because they want thier ex either to be miserable, or to still be tied to them. Why just have one girl when you can have two...

    The main thing is for you to remember he is your ex. and therefore not involved in your decisions.

    Would you like to answer one of mine?;...

  13. They think that they somehow still have exclusive control and dominance over their previous partners lives. They believe that if they can't have them then no one else should be able to either.

  14. CONTROL....

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