
Why do some men vilify women who stay home...

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Um, double post, sorry. Second link works.




  1. John, go to h**l.  Nobody wants to hear what you have to say.

  2. Ah yes, and look what can happen:

    As the female respondents to my question replied, you need to take care of your own butt -  and that requires an ability to earn your own living.  If you choose dependency, you are likely to regret it down the road.  

    And then it may be too late; your goose is cooked.

    There is a name sociologists have ascribed to the phenomena you are describing: women's "double-bind".  Look it up, its all there.

  3. I guess men feel jealous at some point in their minds they look at woman who stay home can go to work as well, I mean we have 2  good arms 2 good legs why not get our butts out there.

    I personally love to go to work everyday it makes me feel like I did something for me and my husband doesn't mind if I decide to stay at home so I have both of best worlds at my choice.

    Yes there are women who don't have that choice but I do tip my hat to them there are alot of hard working ladies out there and you have ones that expect to be taking care of by the husband (those are the ones that are still living in the olden days) the world has changed and they need to keep up.

  4. I'm not married right now, but you can best believe there are a lot of men who hate women, no matter what they do. I have no trouble with a stay at home spouse, if I can afford it. I also have no problem with a spouse who likes to work. There's such a thing as being flexible, something a lot of people don't understand.

    Find a loving partner and forget what the ignorant ones say.

  5. Nobody likes women who stay at home, and there is no point in imagining that anyone ever will again.  Betty Friedan has done her work, and convinced everyone that staying at home is sinful and the cause of all the ills of modern society.  if you do stay at home, it will in the teeth of society's disapproval.  If you pay attention to what society thinks, you had better not stay at home.

  6. Seabee, I will give you my perspective on this. I am over 60, and when I was in school, K-12, in the late 40's and through the early 60's, it was normal for women to raise children and for the fathers to work. Women actually cooked with ingredients, such as flour, meat, and vegetables.

    Divorces were rare and people were polite to each other. No one was on drugs, and premarital s*x was rare. There were poor people but they were helped by churches, not by the government. Being poor could not be an occupation. Along came the "Great Society" and suddenly taxes went up and the number of poor increased, and taxes went up even more. Being poor became a way of opportunity for many, and the number of people in government helping the poor swelled. Taxes increased again. Drugs became popular, as did crime to afford them.

    Forty years later  we have spent trillions to get rid of poverty and now there are more in the poverty area than every before. Wives got into the job market as one income was not enough to pay for hearth and home and the cost of the "Great Society" and FICA and other taxes.

    So what? Do I sound bitter? Maybe I am, because people have change over the years, and not for the better. Today we have the WWW, and now anyone with a computer can say whatever he/she wants to in forums like this one, with no repercussions whatever to them. Some things, said to your face or others, might result in a blow to the face, but in the safety and ignominy of the www can be gotten away with totally free.

    There are no controls or requirements for knowledge to post things here on Yahoo! Answers, so it is just a free for all. Good or bad, that is the way it is. Read responses accordingly.



  7. We live in a society where instead of caring for your neighbors, we spend our time talking about what horrible lives they are leading. It comes from both sides. Men, women, feminists, anti-feminists, singles, couples, etc. No one person or group is to blame and the thing is, instead of coming together and making things better we spend our time finger pointing and shouting "I didn't do it! I didn't do it!"

    So what if a woman works or the man works. So what if the woman stays at home or the man stays at home.

    A person has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and sadly we forget this most of the time.


    I think the comments section in your link demonstrate my point quite well.

    I can't believe the nerve of some people to go out of their way to insult and demonize a person they don't even know.

  8. So you're saying that some men prefer, or to be more pretentious "vilify" women who work and think women should stay at home and some others prefer the opposite?

    On a possibly related note, some men like Pepsi, some insist on Coke.

    I hardly think you're asking a question as much as making an impossibly broad comment.

  9. Honestly, I have never heard another man say that. It may be true, but I haven't run into it.  

  10. I can't account for why some men may do this; I certainly don't nor do I know any men who behave this way.  Perhaps these men are just mental.

  11. This floored me, so I looked for the story and here's the link:

    When I lost my job a few years into my marriage, my husband said I could stay home as long as I liked, and I must admit, I enjoyed it.  But unlike the women interviewed for this story, I hated housekeeping and felt guilty not making my own living.  I had the luxury of taking my time to look for a job I enjoyed.  We have no children, his first wife was a SAHM, and of course he supports his son.  Dayumn!  Who knew I was on the cutting edge of the next great social movement?!  I honestly think my husband doesn't care one way or the other, as long as I'm happy.

    I like the doctor who theorizes that SAHW's are a status symbol.  It's terrific that they make so much that they can stay home, cook and keep house, but ultimately I hope they don't lose out.  They should be funding their retirement accounts, contributing to paying down the mortgage and bills, etc. because no one can tell what the future holds.  The happy marriage at 35 may well dissolve into vitriol 20 years later, and she will have nothing to show for it at an age when the workplace will be unsympathetic towards a woman with no, or a spotty, work history.

    I don't feel the least bit guilty now paying a housecleaning service and a decorator to keep our home nice.  Staying home was fun while it lasted, but this is ultimately much more satisfying for ME.

  12. Every couple should work it out for themselves ... who works .. who stay with children ... it's nobodies business except the 2 people involved.

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