
Why do some motorcyclists feel that they need to make so much noise?

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I don't see why they have to go rumbling up the street and make so much noise that your floor shakes and your windows rattle.

Do they do that because they are insecure, or have a small p*nis, or maybe they just enjoy being obnoxious?




  1. Bikers are one of the most common sence people on the planet when

    it come's to doing the right thing on the high way, there like artist, they

    respect there craft which  is there motorcycle, un like idiots who drive

    with there families in the car and go balistic on the highway, they to

    are artist and respect there craft as well, " Road Rage " . . .

    Here's 2 Bikers of America, " Get Your Motors Running "

    Rock On . . .

  2. Motorcycles = noisy.

    That's kinda the point.

  3. I have a Harley with loud pipes , I'm secure and have a big one so the best answer I can give you is LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES.  

  4. Okay, because is if we weren't loud, you would run over us. The reason we are loud is because it makes it more safe for us. Yes it's annoying, but it's not going to change.

  5. Actually its a safety issue.  Since motorcycles are so easily missed by drivers who rarely pay attention to other cars, they put loud exhaust pipes on them in the hopes they will at least hear them.

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