
Why do some muslims hope to marry a revert?

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Maybe some of these entries are bogus but some might be genuine:(From a reverts website):




  1. I can only tell you what i've heard from some brothers:

    "Sisters who revert to Islaam do not have that cultural baggage that many muslims families have like "must be a doctor" or "Must be fair skinned" or "must be from this village/country/tribe/family""

  2. Reverts tend to have given up more then born Muslims.  Reverts have to deal with adapting to a new culture and new religion/way of life. Revert Muslim women have to deal with there not being any Islamic clothing stores and no hala food stores and deal with having non Muslim families/non Muslim parents.  Revert Muslims generally have a better understanding of Islam then born Muslims, as they seem to take the religion more seriously(experience as a revert) then born Muslims.  Reverts have to adjust to being called names that they weren't called when they were non Muslims.  In general, life is more difficult for reverts then born Muslims.

  3. Wow,thatz a long list..

    Actually they are doing harm to born-muslimahs bcoz in most muslim nations,women are higher in number and marrying from outside will end up more muslimahs getting unmarried..

    I agree with Abul brother..Also,maybe some are looking for american reverts to settle in US..I have read on that..

  4. Because normally reverts practice Islam more than a born into Muslim girl does. Not saying everyone is like that, but some !i

  5. I have heard the same as Abul-Harith and also that reverts look first and foremost at the religion and not the bank account.  But there are so many kinds of scenarios.  There are those who want to live permanently in the west, so they feel it unfair to bring a woman from overseas (especially if she does not speak the language will be very homesick etc).  There are of course those who only want a green card, a sad yet true reality.  Some want a particular physical look which is not common in their home country, it really just depends.  

  6. They're just more easy-going about everything, I guess. Most of them are educated and more pious that born-Muslims.

  7. maybe to reward them or show love & acceptance to him in Islam.

  8. I think, they feel because they went through all this Jihad al-nafis, they must be special, i think they are special, but i wouldn't go looking to marry one, just for that reason.

  9. whoa! for the 1st time, i actually agree with Abu Haarith

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