
Why do some of the chinese medalists put the medals in their mouth?

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Maybe it is just a coincidence, but I noticed more than once that some of the chinese medalists put their medals in their mouth after they win it (in the Olympics). Does this mean something, or am I crazy for noticing such a bizarre habit?




  1. probably checking to make sure it's real gold so they can take it to the pawn shop later!

  2. haahah lots of athletes do that. not exactly sure why but rafa nadal (a tennis player) bites all his trophies. ? good question. lol

  3. because they're robots. they normally eat metal so their instincts tell them too. but then the program reminds them they're out in public so they can't.

  4. The trend was started in the West, to show that the athletes finally sinking their teeth on gold and taking a bite out of it. So the Chinese are naturally trying to be the best at everything and copy it.

  5. i think its to check if their medals are really gold;)

  6. They are so used to their Government Gypping and taking advantage of them (and everyone else they can) that they are Definitely checking to see IF the Medals are REAL GOLD!!!!

  7. not only Chinese medalists did this but also other medalists did this

  8. Pure gold is very soft, and if you bite on it, it leaves your teeth impressions. Since then, biting gold is universally known to be checking its purity.Traditionally Athletes - many many athletes, not just the Chinese - have been doing this for donkeys years to symbolise that it is the gold medal they have.

  9. idk y they put it in there medal in there moth and Thea's a good question.

  10. You know thats funny, because I have thought the same thing and was going to ask too. I was watching Winbeldon (tennis) a little while back, and I remember seeing the champions bite the trophy. Sorry I dont know the answer, but Ill keep watchin this question so I can find out.

  11. This is because:

    1. In ancient time gold was used as money ( I guess you alridi know this.)

    2. Have you ever watched Chinese TV programs or films? If you are a seller, "to have a bit" is a way of checkin' the quality of the gold when the buyer pay the bill by gold.

  12. I have seen people from other countries do that also. It's just joking around to see if it's real gold.

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