
Why do some of the drivers pit road signs have holes in them?

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Is there any specific reason for it? I thought I remember this being discussed before but cant remember.




  1. windage

  2. So they don't become sails and move all over the place.

    Just like all the other answers said

  3. for the wind to go through. so that there wont be any resistance.

  4. Weight and wind.

  5. So the wind doesn't blow it sideways, and the wind can just travel through the holes.

    Edit: Don't worry, it happens :P

  6. Like Joe said.  You'll see holes in all kinds of banners hanging across roads etc.   So they don't turn into sails.

    You can come out now Jessi.

    By the way.  That's a good question for those that didn't know Ms. Race.  I wish there were more questions like this .

  7. I didn't realize it either until i read this question. But, that is a good question and that answer is right when i think about it LOL!

  8. So they don't blow around on the wind

  9. I suppose to change them or have a decorative touch i cant really say.

  10. I would have to say what the first answerer said. So the wind could flow through it. I don't think there is a specific purpose it plays. But It looks cool.

    EDIT: By the Way don't feel stupid asking this. It's a NASCAR question and us NASCAR Nation people have and will help each other and share our knowledge. Good Question and quite interesting. Keep up the good questions. Good Luck to Harvick.

  11. I believe they are there so the wind blows through it and doesn't blow it around.

  12. Yes, the holes are to make them lighter. Remember, it is a crew member holding the sign. They wave them closer to the ground as their car is getting closer. It looks like it's out of control but without them the driver would really have a hard time finding their stop.

  13. its to let the wind thru so the so the sign wont blow out of there hands and risking damage to the cars coming into the pits

  14. they want the air to go through them so that when the cars are zooming by they stay down so the driver can see them, if the not they would flap around and be hard to see

  15. Good question. The funny thing is, is I purchased a Carl Edwards pit board sign at Daytona in July & have it on my wall. And yet I had never thought much about the pit board signs & why they have holes in them.

    But, like you, after reading these answers, it does make since. Just never gave it much thought.

  16. my daddy a says because some of them driver have holes in there head....

  17. Their all right Rockin'29 .

             If ya ever wonder why a fly swatter has them too. It's so you can swing that bad boy faster  [wink]  lol

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