
Why do some of us do ridiculous and self destructive things in order to fit in?

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Even if it makes us unhappy, goes against our personal beliefs and morals?

Why can't some people just walk away and meet people on their own level?




  1. Cause people like the feeling of pleasing others

    and society is nuts these days!

  2. Everybody 'needs' connection! Either you get it from serving others, or by doing negative things - both work!

  3. The do it to  get the attention that they crave.

  4. i guess for fear that you wont fit in with anyone else.

    i mean i am sort of like this in school because my friends are the closest i can find at the moment and id rather act a little differently around them to fit in rather than have no friends , however i would never completely change myself.

    nobody wants to be lonely so maybe that's why people do this it mostly occurs in school or collage because that's the time in your life when all you really care about is ' fitting in' i think people tend to care a lot less about fitting in as they get older :)

  5. Low self esteem.

  6. It's scary out there on your own.

  7. to be popular and liked by people ............everyone want tht  

  8. It's not only to fit in, but also to punish ourselves. All humans ultimately like to be punished in some way. Take your garden-variety worry-wart. It's unnecessary to worry about things you can't change, but you do it because it feels "good" to punish yourself.

    That's an example from the low end of the spectrum.

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