
Why do some of us get pregnant at a young age?

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I don't think... Why is everyone repeating the same thing over and over? Especially when the outcome is the same? Chances of succeeding decreases (actually depends on what you call success), missing out on teenaged years (such as just hanging out at the mall every weekend, going to parties to meet cute guys every Friday night, and etc.





  1. I got pregnant at 14 in order to get married.  In my case, I was putting an abrupt end on a custody battle between my parents.  I ended up giving him up for adoption when he was 15 months old and the husband was long gone.  I just couldn't cope with the demands.  Girls get preggers for lots of reasons other than accidents.  Many people do not want to believe that but it sure is true.

  2. Your smart. Some people think it's fun. Haha. but others have it on accident. Even some have it because they feel they have to. I'm with you though.

  3. Well, the answer too your question.

    s*x, dumb choices, no protection. How old are you, exactly? I read your bio, you said you were 13. *Sigh* What a young age.

    Oh, and this may or may not be something you understand yet, but hormones. There, another reason why teens get pregnant at a young age. That and idiocy.  

    Well, it's a bit more complex then that. (I'm not going into the biological aspects of it all.)  You'll learn when your older. You can't really explain it.

    A simple answer is s*x and bad choices.

  4. Its been going on for centuries now. Theres really no way to stop girls having babies. When we were taught s*x ed in school, they told us s*x was a grown up thing. Most teenagers want to prove that they're adults. There's no logical reason teenagers crave s*x. Maybe because they want to grow up faster...Truth is, it doesn't really make you grow up faster. It could be from peer pressure. Most girls don't plan to get pregnant at a young age. Some things just happen. Sometimes they're pressured by their significant other. Its just another thing we'll probably never found out.

  5. because young people are careless and don't practice safe s*x. don't depend on the guy. girls should carry condoms too or take birth control pills.

  6. ummm r u like 10??? wut do u care? serusily

  7. Pressure by the media to grow up.

    The teachers tell us that is o.k. to have s*x, as long as its "safe" and "as long as you dont get pregnant" well, you have s*x, you increase yerr chances of getting pregnant.

    They want us to grow up to fast.  They want to think s*x, drugs, etc. has no consequences.

    I'm glad you think this way [[=  im 13 too, and i totally agree with you.

  8. they have s*x....and they're not smart to use protection

  9. Because, everybody thinks that having s*x is "In" at such a young age. It is actually not. It is just S****y. I don't see the reason why, they would want to have s*x and then get pregnant, then drop out of school.....Makes no Sense.


  10. Exactly.

    Some teens just dont think about the consiquences of their actions..

    I'm new to this I was so .. dazzled [weird wording, lol] when I went to my camp in the city [I live in a small town] and there were about 5 pregnant CITs which were either 14-17 years old.

    My friend also has a sister who had a baby at 14 years old.

    I will never ever ever be one of them. It just confuses me, you have a whole life ahead of you, why should you ruin your teenage years by having a child??

    Jeez, some people just need common sense =]

  11. Most people get pregnant on accident. They don't use protection or their protection method fails. Then, they either can't afford an abortion or they feel like its immoral or against their religion. I don't really understand the thing about it being against their religion, they already sinned by having s*x out of marriage, but whatever. I'm pro life anyway.

    Some people do it for attention. Stupid, yes, immature, yes, but everyone does things in their own way.

    Some people do it because they want to prove that they are responsible, or because they want to feel loved. Some may do it because they want to be better than their parents were. They feel like loving the child will be enough, without thinking about if they can provide for it.

    Getting pregnant as an adolescent does really force you to grow up fast and miss out on the golden years. I wish more people would consider adoption rather than ruin their life, and the child's, but hey, what can you do.

  12. Why?

    People are stupid.

    They have no regard for the consequences of their actions; they don't care and they don't think about their future.

  13. cause they wanna proove themselves to others so they can be popular, more noticed by popular guys. all pear pressure and guys take advantage of younger guys. its stupid and immature.

  14. bad choices that were made.

  15. Because most of you, young girls are GULLIBLE!You believe most of the boys you know, (and that is a mistake), but you still listen & believe, if they say they love you,(you believe),(in most cases these boys don't know what love really is), but they tell you girls they do,(and you believe); if they I want to make love to you, (you believe)BUT having s*x at your young age IS NOT MAKING LOVE, ITS HAVING s*x THERE'S A DIFFERENCE), making love is when you truly love someone  that you really love )preferrably after marriage), that's making love!~Having s*x with someone you girls REALLY DONT KNOW  but have seen, or your gilfriends says to you (such -n- such) is really hot, whoever went bed with him  last night,BELLS  SHOULD BE GOING OFF IN YOUR HEAD!THe answer should be "NO THANK YOU", I'll wait until (if you wish say the one of your dreams that's ok), meaning no s*x!Period! And if a boy (any boy), who says they love you, WOULDN'T WANT A ROLL IN THE HAY WITH YOU, HE'D WANT TO WAIT TOO), so try to believe in yourselves, know & use the right & wrong thinking, and BELIEVE IN GOD, He will ever steer you wrong! You just need to listen to Him (and  less to these boys that say they love you, to get in your pants) One question for all girls that believe everything these boys say to you: "WHERE ARE THEY IF YOU GET PREGNANT? ARE THEY STAYING BESIDE YOU? OR IS IT NO ONE CAN FIND THEM?Please use your head, and use your common sense ok?And enjoy your lives, make memories you can look back on in your growing up years!But let it be that you delivered a child at your  next teen-age up!When the boy talks you into having s*x, he's just down-grading you, to get what he wants, please remember  that, if someone asks you to have s*x SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!

  16. We just want to have s*x but im not like that

  17. Because either they were trying to get pregnant or they weren't being careful enough.  I wasn't being careful enough, and now I'm 14 weeks pregnant.  But it's like "oh just one more thing...".  I'm not letting this ruin my life.  I've had way bad things happen to keep me from doing things...and this isn't's to be challenging.  I can do anything if I try.  I hate when people underestimate me.

  18. Because the girl was dumb and didn't think about the consequences. Oh remember those girls from Massachusetts who got prego on purpose?

  19. a lot of people are ignorants and think that kind of stuff will never happen to them. others just don't care.

  20. b/c some fall n love and yes i do believe in falling n love at 14 or 15 like i`m n love and i`m 15...its just a part of life....when we do it we all know the consequences and if you dont even consider them u must be a hoe!!!! b/c 1 out of 3 teenagers become pregnant thats a big risk....u`ll understand once u think you`ve found the right me!!!

  21. s*x

  22. excuse me...but clearly you have never been put in a situation where you feel to scared to say no.

    thats what got me pregnant the first time.

    so before you go around judging people, take a step back and find out why? maybe they were raped etc

  23. Because I chose to have s*x. Because of that choice, I became pregnant at 17. Unlike most of these stories, we are still together (happily married for 10+ years) and our eldest is asleep upstairs, along with her younger siblings. Things might have started on the wrong foot, but my life is a good one. I'm happy to be a young mom and not be popping out my first in my 30's. To each his own, but there's no way I can regret my kid or my husband.

  24. It's lack of education. A lot of parents simply do not discuss s*x or they leave it at "dont do it!!" and expect their kids to not do it eventhough they know they will. Teens have always had s*x and they always will and it's not gonna change. Education and facts are what puts an end to the STDs and pregnancies, not the false "abstinence only" programs.

  25. They don't use their head at all.

  26. The reason is because girls who don't have daddies that make them feel loved, protected and special go looking for love in all the wrong places. The old saying still holds true. "Girls give s*x to get love and boys give love to get s*x. When you are 14, 15, 16, 17 , 18 you rarely find a boy with enough maturity to think about the fact that it's not just about him. Life and age give us maturity and boys are slower to get that than girls are. I'd never allow any kid of mine to date before they were at least 16.

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