
Why do some (or most or all??) Mexican parents do this? ?

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I am white and my wife is Mexican/Colombian. We are expecting our first child, and I have noticed that all the adults in her family call their kids mom, mama, mamacita, etc., and the boys are all dad or some variation.

Is this just a Mexican thing or do all Hispanics do it? Anybody know why they reverse the titles?




  1. Us Italians do it too!  I have no idea why.  It's a habit that was passed down to me and I do it to my son as well sometimes.  My husband makes so much fun of me but I can't stop.  LOL

  2. No we all do it. Its just a term of love and respect.  

  3. dodo every one does it its so they can remember wat to call there parents ur so racist what is ur problem i hope its not ur baby

  4. my husband is half mexican his mom is mexican they call her mom mamacita.. i think its just a mexican thing.. my husband is half mexican and polish lol and im just american i think the only thing our little boy will call his grandma will b mamacita  

  5.   Mexicans, Latin, and Hispanics, and other Spanish people do this. It's just their culture. Lots of non-English and non-French people do this as well. A Spanish speaking person or a person residing in the U.S. of Latin American or Spanish Descent is a Hispanic in-case you did not know and a Latino is a person form Latin America or a person residing in the U.S. who is of Latin American Descent. Latin America is a group of countries in the Americas as in North America, South America, and Central America. By the way Italians do not do this.I researched  it for you and Italians are not included.  

  6. my husband is puerto rican I think all hispanics do it I know he does it's not a bad thing just showing effection

  7. All hispanics do it.  My husband is from El Salvador and the nick names for our boys and our girl is "nana", "tata", "mamita", "papa", etc.  I think it's cute.  It has rubbed off on me.  I call my daughter, mama.  funny isn't it?

  8. its a term of endearment...just like white people call their kids buddy or bubsy or your kid whatever you want...I call my daughter Changa cause she acts like a monkey....

  9. all latins do. well most of them anyway.

    why,i have no clue.its corny if ya ask me.

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