
Why do some overweight girls wear tight clothes and have thier fat hanging out? ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. don't know.... you should ask this question to some overweight girls.

  2. Ewww your telling me!!  

  3. they may seem tight on them but i bet if you put them on they would be baggy , but to answer your questions it might be the store didnt have any big enough size's in the style that they like

  4. We are in denial .

  5. Cause they don't know how bad they look

  6. Coz they can baby!!!

    LOVE ALLAH -THE REAL ONE (JOKE) Im sure if he did exsist he would be very proud of you and you judgemental ways. People like you should actually read the quran!!!!

  7. They confuse being fat with being phat.

  8. They can't afford to wear clothes that fit them. I assume that's the reason. ;-D

  9. Im size 16/18 Im not massive but bigger than i want to be.

    I would never wear backless tops or have my belly or **** hanging out.

    However I do wear a bikini when i abroad - is that wrong im feeling pariod now??!?!

  10. they think they look good  

  11. Because they want to.

  12. So people like you ask why overweight girls wear tight clothes and have their fat hanging out.  

  13. because skinny girls wear tight clothes and have their bones hanging out which is equally as vile.

  14. Maybe 'cos

    - they don't know how bad they look

    - they want to wear clothes like the "skinny girls" and feel it makes them look s**y aswell

    - they can't get bigger clothes

    Then again why do some skinny girls wear bikinis and have their ribcage on show?

    Maybe if people were all modest and followed the Islamic dress code, there wouldn't be such a big problem and people wouldn't be so judgemental / freaked out / disgusted / ashamed.

  15. I don't know why fatty girls do that! But it's totally nasty. I feel embarrassed for them. They just have no clue, no care about modesty

  16. Dunno but it is a bad look.  Much better to wear clothes that fit

  17. Well i definantly kno wat ur talkin about but i mean i guess they just love their body and they want to show it off

  18. because unfortunately a lot of teenage clothing stores don't make clothes for bigger girls. Also,maybe they don't think they are fat. Maybe they dont have anyone to tell them there clothes don't fit right-in a nice way like a parent or friend.  who cares anyway? just dont look at it.

    im not fat-actually really small and its still hard to find clothes .. it's probably even harder for people overweight

  19. "Muffin tops" - yuk!

  20. I hate that.  If they would just wear appropriate clothing, they would look so much better & definitely not as heavy.

  21. Because they have had children while they were still children themselves.

  22. 2 points more! YAY

    Actually, you make a valid point. Hide the cursed fat people

  23. It`s worse when they get captured on camera, like on the news when they're doing reports on fast food, that`s so mean that they put the cameras RIGHT on their fat! That`s crazy. Lucky for big muslim girls, they don't have to disclose that.

  24. Like the same way men wander round with their cracks and beer bellies hanging out, and their moobs.

  25. I know its so true, so degrading and so revolting!

    BTW what does this have to do with Ramadan?

  26. I don't know - probably the same reason fat men wear tight clothes and have their fat hanging out ...!

  27. lower ur gaze and then u won`t see. be nice, you may fall in love with 1 one day, or you'll have fat kids.

    bcause what comes around goes back around with just a slip of the tongue you may be the one to fall and bust a gut. careful not to swallow ur food whole, chew it 1st.  

  28. because it"s their right to...and i say fair play to them for not giving a f*ck what other narrow minded people think of them !

  29. I have a problem with shopping for clothes they make all the stripes run the wrong way and most of them aren't lady-like but I will avoid looking bulky were I can.

    It is such a chore times of the month make us bloated and grrrrr! The flat tum is something all woman have to fight for.  

  30. If they wear smaller sizes, they can honestly reply with the size. Like if a girl is a sixe XL she'll wear size M so she can honestly reply with "that's my actual size."

  31. Because I'm fat fat fat really really Fat.

    You knoW I'm HUUUUUUUGE FAT fat really really Fat!

    LoL because they want to of course!

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