
Why do some parents abuse their children?

by  |  earlier

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i don't mean like a pop on the bottom every now and then, but i mean punching them, grabbing them so hard they leave bruises, hitting them with frying pans, etc.

that is their own flesh and blood, and if they didn't want to have kids, then they should of put them up for adoption so they wouldnt be in such a hostile environment, or better yet, used a CONDOM!




  1. There sick...

  2. i wish i knew it makes my blood boil when you hear it i would report anyone who i thought was miss treating a child.

  3. bad temper, they didnt want a kid, they dont know how to properly 'discipline'  

  4. I agree, its so frustrating! the thing is, you need a license to drive, watch tv, have pets but anyone can have children! Its not right, some people should have to prove their worth!!

    When you think about it, you have to be 16 to have s*x, 17 to drive, 18 to drink alcohol but a 12 year old can have a baby, its just outrageous x*x

  5. Cos they are sick monsters.  

  6. Its the same reason anyone abuses people.  Most of the time it is a cycle. They were abused so they become an abuser.  Bullying whether you are a 30 year old adult abusing a 4 year old or a husband abusing his wife or a bigger kid on a playground pushing around someone smaller makes the person they are pushing around feel powerful.  It is easy to give into rage and feed that rage which feeds the ego.  It's sad but that is the basis of all abuse and bullying.  Those that give into it are truly the ones that are weak.

  7. My father had a bad temper.  He wanted kids, but nasty temper.  I am the oldest of four.  He just couldn't control his temper.

  8. Because they think spanking is right.  

  9. ABUSE   is a word one really can not understand until they have seen the debth of what can happen when a child is in an abusive situation.  I remember growing up in middle America feeling abused when I didn't get something, getting a spanking because my parents were at a loss on how to deal with a generation rising from choice, liberation and freedoms.

    The ABUSE I see this question to mean is the unthinkable, crossing lines of society we can not fathem to begin to try to understand. My mind is not capable of justifing any of it.  I remember the feeling of numbness when I walked into the job of foster care in my mid twenties thinking I would be a help to society.  I can remember my first case of ABUSE and getting ill, feeling I just couldn't move. I had to step outside myself and remember my role.... the best interest of the child.  I had a job to do.... then I met these people who inflicted this on to their child.....  I can not after eleven years of sitting across from tables, next to them on couches and in conversations for endless hours say anything more than I will never understand how the ABUSE I am remembering can be done by any person with any sanity.  They can blame anything but NOTHING explains why or how one can do things to a CHILD....and yet we read of it every day and many of us live the results of it in our lives.   Just a deep subject for me..  the daily abuse I believe is answered in prior comments,  our society is getting better about getting INVOLVED and being more inclined to offer a hand today.  The internet is helping and hopefully all reading do their part to educate during teachable moments throughout life...  CHOICE...  we have it in AMERICA.... if something isn't feeling right  we have choices to make change..

  10. I think people who abuse their children suffer some abuse themselves They think that it is the only way to show love because that the way their parents showed them.Condomss don't prevent abuse. People do.  

  11. I agree. I know that some people have mental illnesses or problems like alcoholism or drug addiction, and those people shouldn't be allowed to have children with them at all. I see no reason for someone in their right mind to hit a child at all. I think that people should take a mental illness test before being able to bring their children home and if they fail it, the children will go to a decent family.

  12. Many times it is because it is the only thing they know, having had it happen to them as children.

    I'm not excusing it, no one should be allowed to commit such terrible things, but it can happen that way.  

  13. I will never understand either..BUT , I was raised the same way..I think a "little" kinder than they were raised.  Grown up people have a choice to make..follow the past way of raising kids or BREAK the cycle....A lot of it has to do with your parents own pent up anger and hurt....if they don;t heal themselves..they will repeat the cycle.  I was raised very physically and emotionally abused..spent 10 years in therapy..because I had a daughter that i loved and didn't want to treat her the way i was treated.  

    To this day I am emotionally maimed...but I raised my daughter to be a haelthy and loving young person....that knows her Momma loves her and would do anything for her.  Your parents don't put you up for adoption because they love you in their heart..just were never taught how to show you..HUG!!!    Choose to end the cycle.....

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