I know several kids under ten that have cell phones. These are good honor roll kids that stay out of trouble. Their families can afford it and it works for their family. My ten year old has had one for years. She is in activities and at times my other daughter has activities elsewhere- so my daughter can call if they are letting out early, she needs something, they are letting out 15 minutes later.. etc. she can visit good friends and I can call her as much as I need without tying up other peoples phones.
I just fail to see the big deal. It's a phone! It's so common in our house and most of the other kids I know that it just isn't a big deal in any way.
Oh and.. my daughter wanted a Rzr- which I wouldn't buy so she saved up Birthday money and had a lemonade stand and bought it.
Also, why do the parents that have a problem with it even care about what other kids have?
Just curious. I see so many nasty replies about kids with cells.