
Why do some parents get all up in arms over kids having cell phones?

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I know several kids under ten that have cell phones. These are good honor roll kids that stay out of trouble. Their families can afford it and it works for their family. My ten year old has had one for years. She is in activities and at times my other daughter has activities elsewhere- so my daughter can call if they are letting out early, she needs something, they are letting out 15 minutes later.. etc. she can visit good friends and I can call her as much as I need without tying up other peoples phones.

I just fail to see the big deal. It's a phone! It's so common in our house and most of the other kids I know that it just isn't a big deal in any way.

Oh and.. my daughter wanted a Rzr- which I wouldn't buy so she saved up Birthday money and had a lemonade stand and bought it.

Also, why do the parents that have a problem with it even care about what other kids have?

Just curious. I see so many nasty replies about kids with cells.




  1. It's just easier for some people to find SOMETHING to criticize in other people to make themselves feel better.  That's a whole lot easier than actually trying to become a better person right?  It seems like those people quick to judge others have plenty of issues themselves that they should be looking at.

    My daughter is ten and has a cell phone.  She goes to camp in the summer while I'm working and my ex's family aren't allowed around her (but have tried to when she's at camp).  She's got the phone in case something happens like that.  It makes both of us feel MUCH safer, but most people don't know the details and probably just assume that she's a spoiled kid.  I'm not too worried about what they think.  They're not worth it.  Hopefully you won't get any nasty replies on this question.

  2. Because kids with their own personal cell phones are likely to abuse the privilege of having their own phone.  That is, they will spend more time and more money than is acceptable talking on the phone. If the family has enough money and the parents really don't care (which is bad parenting, IMHO) then it doesn't matter.

  3. I just think if you give children everything at an early age what do they have to look forward to or earn as they get older.

    My daughter didn't get a cell phone until she was 13 and then only when she was away from home.....when she got home she used the house phone in a common area of the house.

    She didn't get her own computer until she was 15.....and then again she used it in the common area of the house.

    She got "things" as she matured and earned them.

    But that was just the rules her father and I had for her as she grew up......certain things at certain ages.

  4. In 2008, with so many things that can happen, a cell phone is a worthwhile tool. I had to be convinced at first about this cell phone situation. There is always room for abuse with anything. Basically, a cell phone is an asset. I have noticed that most places where pay phones are located, just don't work. They will take your money and leave you without a means to communicate. I don't know what I would do without a cell phone. Peace!

  5. I don't understand the need to be nasty about it and I can see the benefit in children having cellphones, but personally I feel a little uncomfortable about it because of the yet unproven safety of the microwaves coming from them and the effect they could have on a young forming brain.

    It's a personal choice though and I wouldn't dream of imposing my view on another parent. That's just rude.

  6. ok that was really long.

    any ways..usually b/c they didn't have one when they where younger so they feel as if there child shouldnt either

  7. Some parents feel that since they had no phone untill they where like 20, that you should do it too. Plus, if the kid is asking for a $200.00 phone, and parents fear that their child will run up the bill; not all parents have good little honor roll students, you know! Some kids, i swear, can run up a 300 dollar bill talking abuot a videogame!

  8. There are good reasons for a young person to have a cell phone, especially if they are involved in lots of activities, etc. What people don't like is children using the cell phone to call their friends from ten feet away just to look important and racking up minutes, and the fact that some parents aren't responsible enought to stress to their children not to give out their numbers to just anyone. You see people on myspace or on messenger that post bulletins like "my new cell number is...."

  9. Some people can't be adults about things. To me if the kid is in lots of activities then a phone is a must. If they want one just because then they don't really need it.

  10. I think two main reasons are the cost. The worse thing (my) parents hate is getting a phone bill because we're kids and we luv to talk so it's gonna cost them. I guess parents care about other kids having it because then their kids mite say, "they have it, why can't i?" so ya, thats just my guess.

  11. Personally hubby and I have agreed that our daughter can have one when she can afford the phone and bill on her own. The only thing we have looked into is possibly getting one of the phones that only allows calls to certain numbers for safety reasons. I personally dont like seeing young kids with cell phones but I wont impose my thoughts on other parents. We all have different styles and that is what makes this world go round. For me and hubby we feel it should be a earned privilege and not one that is given so that a child can be happy. I was given a prepaid cell phone when I was 17 and I abused it until I had to pay for my own minutes and ended up really needing to make a call and did not have the mins. We all have survived for a very long time without cell phones it does not hurt a child to have to wait until they can afford their own phone.

  12. AMEN!

    I have wanted a cell for a while and Im 11.

    My mom would let me but everytime her check comes I want something different!

    But Im getting a glyde and Im not changing my mind this time!

    Wow I think that rhymed lol!

  13. i don't really think people can "o their too young for one" these days, because kids are getting them younger and younger.

  14. they think we cant handle cell phones. just because they didnt have them doesnt mean we shouldnt

  15. My son is 8 and he has one. We get free calls on the same network. The only numbers that we have stored in his phone are our mobile numbers, and home numbers of close friends and relatives for if he ever needs to call someone in an emergency. It works great for when we are out, like at the shops, or my older sons football game and he is in the playground. He has it solely for our benefit and not his own. He is only allowed to take it when we are out together. It's also good for if we get separated at the shops, and he needs to call to find us.

    He has had the phone for over a year, and it has never cost us a cent because all of the calls are free.

    I don't see there to be a problem with wanting to protect your children while you are out in public, especially with the way that society behaves today!!!

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