
Why do some parents give their children money when they know they are using it for drugs?

by  |  earlier

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I don't understand this, if you knew your child was asking you for money to go get high would you give it to them? My friend overdosed with the money his family gave him and I'm watching intervention and they are doing the same thing. I'm not blaming but I just can't understand this at all




  1. because they're in denial and would rather not see that their child has a problem.

  2. I wouldn't I would send them straight to rehab.  Sometimes though they don't realize or are blinded to the truth of what is going on.  I have heard so many stories from drug addicts, they will say anything to get money for drugs, they will usually do anything to get the money or drugs as well.  I think they just convince themselves that things will get better. It is like if you know someone is an alcoholic yet you provide them with alcohol you know you just hope they get enough and stop I guess.

  3. If he is addicted, they probably just suffer knowing how much he suffers when not able to get his drugs. I've met parents doing this

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