
Why do some parents have to be this way?

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A nine year-old pitcher is banned from pitching in a little league because he throws too hard. Not banned from playing, just banned from pitching:

And his mother wants to shut the league down for not letting her kid go out there and scare the heck out of the other nine year olds, most of them beginners. What is WRONG with some parents? It's supposed to be about participation and sportsmanship, not stroking an adult's ego to make up for her low self-esteem. If she wants him to play competitive ball, he could go up an age division or play in a tougher league. But no, she wants her kid to be able to beat up on a bunch of lesser-abled kids. NICE EXAMPLE, MOM!

Why do some idiot parents have to be this way?




  1. They are this way because they think they and their children are better then everyone else.

    I feel bad for her son, she must pressure him really hard and make his feel like nothing when he does something she doesn't like.

  2. QUOTE: "League officials say Jericho’s mother became irate, threatening them and vowing to get the league shut down.

    “I have never seen behavior of a parent like the behavior Jericho’s mother exhibited Wednesday night,” Noble said."

    Sounds like it's the mother to me.

    No one says we're all able to get the position we want. If the league doesn't want him pitching then that's the leagues choice. They see it as a safety issue and insuring the safety of the other player's is the leagues responsibility. They've clearly stated it's not the league for this kid; his talents are probably better used in another league.

    As long as the mother and coach don't run the league then they have no real say in the matter.

  3. its not her fault actually. The mother doesnt want her child to be able to beat up children his  age, she want the commitee or the coach to know that her child can play that game and pitch fine. Its not the childs faulyt eather.... the child has a strong arm....and the mother knows that but the coach thinks of that as a disability not to pitch. The couch is making the fault not the mother. The moms shutting down the leage because she feels that the league should be more like her son. If everyone pitches like the boy..... The team will have a better chance of winning. The mom realizes this. I hope i disproved your point about the mom!

  4. I know what you mean.  Some parent's want to show off that's all it is.  If her child can't be out there in front, she wants to ruin it for the other kids.  To her it's more that a game and more than just playing for fun.  She's there to show off her kid.   That's sad when it ruins the other children's time.

  5. Because they want there children to be perfect; the best; better than everybody else.  When I play lacrosse against the boys the parents on the other team always yell at them saying don't let that girl beat you.  One time when I was passing the other teams dressing room the mom was talking to her son and saying if I hit him he would be grounded.

    Parents do not think about there own kids along as there's can be perfect.

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