Public schools? Now, I didn't say all and I didn't say many, I said SOME. There is a woman that I work with and she's constantly gloating about how well her child is doing and that I probably didn't learn or know half of the information that she was being taught (woman I worked with wasn't the one doing the homeschooling, but it was her child). Anyway, I found that really rude seeing as how I learn quite a bit of new information each year in public school (I'm going into 11th). I'm not trying to argue that public schooling is better than home schooling, but I don't see where some parents (and homeschooled kids sometimes) get off telling public school taught children and their parents that their daughter/son is better/smarter/etc./etc. There's very few people I know that go to public school like I do that would gloat about how much better public school is than homeschool, because most of us quite frankly don't care, but I've heard tons of stories from relatives, etc. of homeschooled parents/kids putting their friends/co-workers publicschooled kids down.