
Why do some people, idiots, say that we are all going to be one race in the future?

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It's a stupid idea, for these reasons:

1. Human genes simply do not work that way. The dominant genes will produce a certain skin colour, despite what ancestry that person has. Hence black couples having white children and vice versa. There will still be whiter people, and darker people, and we will still factionalise according to that.

2. This has been happening in South America already for hundreds of years. And, do you know what happened there (back to point 1), the whites people,despite their descent, are still dominant.

This view that we will all mix into a coffee coloured race, with no racism, is stupid.




  1. I've never heard anyone say that.

    Sounds pretty boring.

    I'm a white man, and as far as I'm concerned once you go black you don't go back, if you know what I mean.  

  2. I haven't heard anyone say that, but I hope it doesn't happen. Different races and cultures are what makes the world interesting. This "cultural melting pot" thing just dilutes people's ways of life etc. I for one do not want to live in a world where everyone is the same!!  EEC people take note!!

  3. Who said we are all gonna be coffee coloured? Never heard it before you said it

  4. yeah and there's probably going to always be a lot of people that stick with their own race..whether it's purposely, or the person they end up with just happens to be the same race...

    I heard that theory called like 'the race of the future'..i saw it on the internet on a time magazine picture

    yeah see right here

  5. People with white skin are not dominant in South America. Yes, there are some but most people there are mixed, some White looking, but most with tan to dark skin.

  6. We already are ONE SPECIES,as for the DNA and genes,the most prevalent belong to GENGHIS KHAN.

  7. i read that coffee coloured thing in the paper and it scared the c**p out of me

    they had a computer-generated picture of it and everything!

    but youve made me feel better about it lol well done!

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