
Why do some people abuse/torture their children??

by Guest67047  |  earlier

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I don't get it! Is it fun for them or something? wtf

I work at a camp and this girl came in with bruises all over..we suspect child abuse..but I hope its not the case.




  1. I'd assume if you work at the camp ,you'd be a mandated reporter. If you suspect abuse ,you should report it.

  2. Parenting is stressful, yes, and sometimes I have to either have my kids go into their room or whatever, but when you feel like you're going to "blow up" that's when you put yourself in check. Honestly, I can't figure out what causes these people to snap like that. The ones that really get me are the people who shake or beat BABIES. I heard of two seperate incidents where one was a 5 week old and the other was a 6 week old baby. The 6 week old baby was being babysat by some evil witch who drugged her and then not only repeatedly beat her over the head but then burned her with a curling iron!!! That "woman" is or was going to be prosecuted... the 5 week old baby girl was shaken so severely by her bio dad that she now, at about 6 years old lives as a 5 week old, no developement due to the extent of her brain injuries and the DA NEVER did anything to the "dad" legally! THOSE are probably the MOST unthinkable, besides child sexual abuse cases... I think the icing on all this disgusting cake though is when judges are lenient with these monsters and either give them severely reduced sentencing or drastically reduce their parole. Either way, releasing these "people" back into the population and they face basically no consequences for their heinous crimes. :( Sickening world we're in...

    Sorry, I know I got off on that a little, but I was abused as a child so I think that's why I get SO outraged/passionate about this topic.

  3. Some ppl are simple...i don't get how ANYONE could hurt there child..i do everything to try to protect my daughter, and make sure she grows up knowing she was loved and that she can trust us for anything.....did u report it?'s hard but in Canada it's your legal duty to report if you seriously think a child is being's always the innocent and helpless children and animals that get hurt..~...grrr....

  4. It is just a horrible thing to think about!  Most of what I've heard and read was because the parents were abused themselves, and that it was a learned thing.  But no matter what there is no excuse for it!  You're dealing with a touchy subject and need to do what's best for the child.  You can never be too cautious with a situation like this!

  5. because they are dysfunctional families who do not know the difference between innapropriate and appropriate discipline.  i have also found that those parents have no idea how to handle themselves in a stressful situation which leads to their inexcusable behavior.  there is usually a whole lot more factored into why-drug use, developmental delays of the parents, low IQ, etc.  i do believe that in the less severe cases parents can be rehabilitated.

  6. You are required by law to report suspected child abuse, I hope you already have.

    Many parents abuse because they were abused as children. Some abuse because of mental problems or addictions which have caused them to dehumanize their child. Some just don't know better. Many can't control their anger and take it out on their child. Some are convinced its the right thing to do.

    Child abuse is unacceptable, no matter what the reason. It always needs to be reported.

  7. It's mostly a dominance thing or they try to make themselves apear more supeior over their children or they're just terrible s****t people who are mentally ill.

  8. Because they can. It's a power trip like rape.

    As a childcare worker at the camp, you  are required to report suspected abuse.

    When I started work as a caseworker in the 60's, a person reporting suspected abuse could be sued in court if the chareges proved to be false. Now all teachers, childcare workers, healthcare workers, etc., are required to report it and can be prosecuted for not doing so.

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