
Why do some people answer questions about rugby who seem to know nothing about the sport?

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I know my answers are not always the best, and I know there are alot of people out there far more knowledgeable about the sport than I am. But it seems like some of you just automatically see the word rugby and think it's okay to put some kind of stupid answer involving s*x and or drinking. I mean really if some one has a legitimate question about the game then answer it with a legitimate answer or don't answer at all.




  1. Becuase I said so

  2. Because they want two more points. I agree though. I only answer questions I'm knowledgeable at. And I give the best answer I can.

  3. There are after the points. However, you should try and answer each question as best you can. That is what the people on the sharp end of the leaderboard do. I can claim to have some knowledge of rugby as a member of the ACT Brumbies.

  4. well come over and watch a match with me and explain it to me, looks interesting but I have no clue whats goin on during a game. Its alot better then soccer anyways!

  5. Probably the points.

    I also think it comes from the fact that Rugby is barely known about in the US.

    Americans don't know much about it and don't realise how huge it is in many countries, so they comment without realising just how many people are interested and knowledgable.

  6. Why...  because you can always bank on the inherent stupidity of some people and their willingness to open their mouth...

    plus the points...

  7. I have noticed that on many subjects no just rugby. I believe they just want the points and/or a just very very simple minded and lonely. So they throw whatever out there.  It's unfortunate. I am sure that's not what this site was first established for or intended to be.

  8. Now I do not think this is a legitimate Rugby question...but it is for the 2 points.....but I will take 10

    Thank you :)

  9. Part of the problem is that this site is frequented by more Americans than any other nationality, and as we all know, most Americans are ignorant about rugby.

    So, I guess they are just after the 2 points. Not much we can do about it.

  10. Coz not many people have a good knowledge about the game and think that it's a rash game where there are no rules and anything goes! I wish thay have some knowledge before answering or maybe they just do it for the points!

  11. Very true Laurasue, it makes me just as mad as you.

    There's always some pith to my answers, but the kind of idiots we're talking about seldom see it.

    Must say tho Laurasue, s*x and booze are elements of the game which it would be churlish, or worse, priggish, to exclude.

  12. cause when most people here rugby they think mean sport were you get hurt and automatically they think they kno everything about the sport

    and they get points which is a bonus

  13. the points

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