
Why do some people assume that guys, particularly black guys who wear 'gangsta' clothes are bad news?

by  |  earlier

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And are thieves and pot head etc etc etc?

Just a generalisation?




  1. because people are close minded and love to steriotype about stuff they dont know wich is very pathedic

  2. um, Biggie...Tupac......hmmm....maybe cause the real gangstas are givin them a rep>? I'm not sure. I'm not sorry if anyone was offened by that answer either, because you know it's true! people watch this $hit  on t.v. and wanna make it a reality in their own lives! its sad really.....but, yeah, I'm sure it's influential media that has brought this world to the terrible reality it is now. Racisim, Sexisim, and other forms of hate are strongly used and created everyday. I am sorry you even had that reason to post this question but what is the world to do about it???? probably not too much.

  3. It may not be true in all cases, but a person's appearance tells a lot about them.  

  4. When senior citizens, middle aged women, and clean cut guys in suits start raping and robbing, I'll start treating THEM like bad news.

    when playing 5 Car Stud, a full house is not a guaranteed win. A four of a kind and a straight flush will beat it.

    If I have a full house, I'll "generalize" by assuming I'm going to win the pot. I'll be right 90% of the time.

    People are correct about gangstas 90% of the time.

  5. Because loads of people still class black people as lower, and the idea of thembeing like chavs in the UK frighten them so they diss them even more.

    And lots of black people still reckon all of us think that so they watch their backs.


  6. When a male chooses to wear his pants falling off his behind and dresses the part of a "gansta' as you call it, that person is trying to convey a message that he is what he appears to be.  In short, no good.  What the young people of today don't seem to realize is the loose fitting and worn low pants comes from the prison atmosphere and is intended to convey to the general population that this particular person is a "receiver"!  Just keep that in mind.

  7. the media portrays certain stereotypes.

    some families teach their kids a prejudice against certain types of people.

    some people have had bad experiences which bias their opinion in a negative fashion towards people who fit a certain criteria.

    some people who are black and dress 'gangsta' perpetuate the negative stereotype with their criminal and harmful actions.

    i am sure there are other reasons but those are ones that came to mind.

    and america was first brainwashed to believe that one should dress a certain way to reflect their actions and socioeconomic status.

    it has spillied over to the fact that people now assume someone's persona based on how they dress.

    either way the whole idea is representative of the illogical foolishness that modern society has seen fit to thrust upon people.

    look at the 'high fashion' world.  some of the least functional and stupid looking clothing, made in the same factories as wal mart brand clothing, and yet overhyped and overpriced.

    its funny. manolos are like .10 - 1.50 a pair when they make it here. but costs 500-1000 in stores. people get paid 12 cents a day to manufacture them.

    I am an imports broker so I see it every day.

  8. i dont care if they're gangster or not, why would any good guy in his right mind want to wear pants that dont even fit? and walk around like ducks? if they are soo great or sooo nice why dont they respect themselves and wear clothes that actually fit? i'm gonna make sure my son grows up wearing hollister, american eagle and all that good stuff i cant stand guys that wear those stupid clothes,and  act like they're the sexiest men on earth ugh.  

  9. because 'ganstas' are bad news

  10. because gangstas are bad news, so if they dress like one (even if they are good) people will just assume are they not.

    its like if you dress like, or listen to emo music people will think you cut yourself.

  11. I assume that way of thinking because I can't see why anyone(black/white/anything) would align themselves with that stereotype by dressing like the stereotype.  Other than displaying ignorance and lack of awareness of the social significance, what other reason is there to wear gangsta clothes except actually being (or being a wannabe) gangsta?  Please don't tell me it's a fashion statement, because the style of clothing and how they're worn isn't about being chic, you know?  

    Maybe if the information wasn't so available about how certain articles and styles of clothing and how they're worn in respect to their gang affiliation, people wouldn't make such assumptions.

  12. Because that's how "gangstas" dress. If people have a problem being stereotyped as a "gangsta" then they shouldn't dress like one.

  13. If they want the thug association then they must be thugs. If not explain to me why anyone would want to wear their pants as if looking like they had just taken a hugh dump in them.

  14. I am black and I hate that entire "gansta" look.  I am old enough to remember when rap first came out and was actually pretty clean.  It started in the Bronx.  When rap traveled to the West Coast, Gansta rap started and it all went downhill.  

    The baggy pants actually started in prison.  Prisoners are not allowed to wear belts and the uniforms are very loose fitting.  Ex-cons are looked up to when they get out and young guys began to imitate this look.   That is why I wish young guys, black or white, would not dress this way.  Even if they are not criminals, they way you dress is a reflection of your state of mind, so why try to look like a criminal?

  15. I see where you're going but guys w/ pants below their crack is a turn off for me, shows they don't give a time in day to look good. And really is so 2005.

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