
Why do some people assume that young girls don't need physical activity too?

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We hear a lot about boys not being given the opportunity for physical activity in schools. But what about girls? Is it not equally important for girls to be able to run around and play?




  1. I always thought that girls got as much physical activity as boys, only in different sports or training, such as hockey, basket, dancing, aerobics etc. as against football or rugby for the boys.

  2. Sure it is-also they (both) should have access to Art and music-but in many school districts those are missing.

  3. Please don't put words in my mouth Sam, I answered your question, "Is it not equally important for girls to be able to run around and play?".

    Political correctness aside, boys in general are in greater need of an outlet. You know that, I know that and we both know why.

    : )

  4. Yes - I agree.

    When I was at School, it was always the boys that played some kind of sport in our recess and lunch breaks, not the girls. Why?....

    Because it comes more 'naturally' to boys, and the reason for this is because from a very young age, sport is bred in to the 'culture', the lives of boys. I have very often seen Dad's at the park with thier sons, teaching them abou the rules of rugby, or soccer, cricket......

    Why don't they teach their daughter's too? Maybe then little girls would feel more confident in having a go at School! I know myself I wanted to muck around and play with the guys but often I wouldn't because I didn't know the rules and didn't wan to be picked on by the boys for making mistakes.

    It's part of male culture to breed sport in to their sons from an early age. They teach their sons how to communicate with other men, through sport and activities in general.

    I know when my partner catches up with his mates, it's always something like 'Lets catch a game' or 'Keen for a beer and watch the game mate?' It's the way guys are taught to communicate!

    I think team sports are great for girls and boys and should be compulsory at School, but I also think Mum's and Dad's need to encourage girls just as much as boys so that they have the confidence to participate. At the moment I don't see girls getting the same encouragement by parents that boys do.

    Kids won't participate at School if they think they will fail - So it's up to parents to build up their confidence of the daughters when it comes to sports.

  5. go play with barbie

  6. No, not to the same extent because they are not driven by testoterone. We should accept the facts, and stop letting feminists confuse the issue with misleading propaganda. This is the reason that boys do badly at school, because the female teachers are trying to turn them into girls.

  7. Yes both boys and girls need physical education its important for kids to stay fit and healthy.

  8. Boy are slightly more retarded then girls and can't spend as much time with books so we have to pretend its genetic to stay politically correct.

    Yes girls need sports to. Boys can be hyper though.

  9. I have never heard anyone say that physical activity isn't essential to either genders development.  However, I do believe that boys have a greater need for physical outlets.  

    That being said, all one has to do is look around to see that physical activities for children(of both s*x) are essential.   I believe the statistics is that one in five children between the ages of 6 and 17 are overweight. This is double the rate of 30 years ago.  They might know more from the hours spent sitting behind desks, but they may not live long enough to use the knowledge they have gained.

  10. They do need it, but the problem is that many (not all, but many) young girls are more interested in doing girly things than playing sports. Which is why I think they should implement other forms of physical activity into schools of all grade levels--such as dance, yoga, pilates, etc.

  11. There is no formal scientific basis for such a notion as any bona fide, serious scientific work has published, in no uncertain terms, that the need for physical activity is not gender-specific.  

    Careful of the source which footprints on the encoding process.

  12. I don't know who's assuming such a thing. I think physical activities and sports/athletics is a MUST for girls and young women. I believe we need to get more girls involved. Although I usually vehemently opose government getting their noses into things I quite support the theme of Title IX.

    My wife is an outstanding person with an immensley strong character. She was a star athlete in multiple sports as she grew up and through highschool; and I attribute much of that to her sports/athletic experience.  I also observe the girls in my neighborhood who are not into sports. They seem to hang around a bunch of losers and burnouts. I'm sure that will result in the usual teen problems. If they were active in some sort of sports they would be with a better crowd.

  13. Yes it is, and in my opinion, more physical activities need to be implemented into our school systems to suite the physical health needs to children of both genders.

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