
Why do some people become so upset?

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over the fact that our genetic evolution is from the line of the Great Apes? What offends them so much about this? (Even if they choose not to believe it, it doesn't change the facts.)




  1. what exactly are the "facts"?

    all life on earth has genetic similarities but that doesn't mean that we evolved from a same common ancestor -

    many people just don't believe in evolution, they believe in creation

  2. It seems to be several problems. For one it is, as previously mentioned, an identity problem. Second, it is a problem of seeing the Bible as symbolic instead of literal.  Evolution also gives weight to the predestination thought whereas most Americans are freewill.  Catholics are more open to it but they stop short, saying that there was a first man and first woman.  Catholics are Christian.  The only real problem is that evolutionist say that all has been done random and to that I say what looks random to us may not be random.

  3. Because people are more inclined to accept a simple lie (God did it) then a complex truth (slight DNA mutations over millions of years causes natural selection).

  4. i dont think they should be offended but i dont believe in evolution, why is there still monkeys, and we are very diffrent beings, we are sentient we have a conciuss(pardon my spelling) monkeys dont.

  5. I think the most offending part of that thought, for creationists, is that they believe humans are special... for christians/catholics anyway, they believe that humans were created in god's image, whereas animals were not... to say that we are no more special than animals is to throw their whole "order of things" out of whack...

  6. Humans did not evolve from apes.  Apes and humans have a common ancestor - way, way back.

  7. It offends people, because their whole world revoloves around the idea of christianity and adam and eve, when you say that evolution is a fact, people get defensive. Everything seems like a lie at that point.

  8. They are staunch Catholics.

  9. Some people are upset by our genetic evolution because it was not an observable fact and they therefore consider genetic evolution to be merely a belief (not observed fact). Because they consider it to be merely a belief, it competes (and because of its widespread acceptance, out-competes) with their own view of the world. That frustrates them.

    Unfortunately, like most people who are upset by the (not unreasonable) beliefs of others, their indignation masks the truth about themselves: they want everyone to think the way they think and believe only the things they themselves believe.

  10. People cannot tell the difference between being related to gorillas, and being a gorilla. That is why.

    To Jen-ee-fur and tkp999, see link below (section 63) about the Catholic view of evolution. They actually officially accept that evolution occurs.


  11. Psychological hindrance-----but the fact remains.

  12. I think its because no one likes to be referred to as a Monkey.  

    Everyone understands the facts but we are no longer monkeys.  We are human.  

    The scenario of someone getting upset about being called a monkey and someone saying that we're monkeys is a waste of time.

  13. I don't believe it because if we came from apes why do apes still exist? There is no real proof, just scientific speculation that we evolved from apes.

  14. For my own opinion, It is abnormal for a person who is not upset and each of us have our own individual pride. Of all the causes which conspire to blind, Man's erring judgment and misguide the mind. What the weak head with strongest bias rules, is pride the never falling vie of fools. We need people who are upset to keep us awake. It makes us see our weaknesses so that we may correct them. Maybe people who are upset are the people who have failed in literature and art.

  15. the apes has nothing todo with the anger or beying upset, it all depends on the type of person you are and your personality .

  16. If we evolved from monkeys than why do we still have monkeys. Shouldn't we have monkeys that are in diffrent stages of evolution? Think about it.

  17. I think they wished they came from a sexier species!  Like lions!

  18. hello,

         and...there's nothing to be upset....of,we are in the best shape(state of mind) now  PLUS....some men just love monkey hairstyle...actually,don't you think SO,Jan?!

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