
Why do some people believe that it is not necessary to speak the language of the country where you live ?

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There seem to be many people who live in the united states, who do-not speak english. I wonder how they or you would feal if someone came into their country of origin and not only spoke none of their language but refused to try to learn even enough to be understood by the masses in that country?

I find this action to be offensive and an insult to the people of this country.




  1. With the exception of an elderly family member who comes in the last days of their life to be with family... every one who comes to live here should be REQUIRED to demonstrate a basic level of understanding of ENGLISH to renew their emigrant status... and to demonstrate a higher level to gain Citizenship... at least as much as I have.. which ain't all that much... I looked into living in an other country and working for a time... to get the work I wanted I would have had to learn and be competent in, the language in less than a year or lose the work permit.

    The current invasion, from the South particularly, is intended to occupy and control and take over... not to become citizens... they have no interest in becoming Americans... they want to turn us US into mexico

  2. cause they are ignorant

  3. You speak english, not native american.

    when english speaking people go to other countries we expect everyone to know english.

    There are many people from all over europe in my workplace and many of them speak english as fluent as i do.

    i don't find it offensive that people don't want to lose their native tongue at all.

  4. Well if they're hispanic they probably think they don't necessarily need to learn English just because Spanish is basically America's second language.

    But, personally Ifind it very annoying. I think everyone who lives in America should at least learn some english.

  5. I totally agree!  I can't imagine living in a non english speaking country and not learning enough of their language to get by on, heck I leaned enough Spanish to get by on a 10 day vacation!

  6. The only language anyone need learn to speak is the language spoken by the people they want to talk to.

    People who don't want to talk to you, don't need to learn your language.

    I have the misfortune to know English already.


  7. And, there are Americans who, when traveling or living in other countries expect EVERYONE to speak English simply because they are Americans.

    And, English is one of the hardest languages to learn.

    I work in a public library where English is the dominant language and many people I serve do not speak proper English and it's their own language!

  8. Il faut te dire mon ami qu'en France les Américains font très rarement des efforts pour apprendre ou parler un peu français alors que cela les rendrait beaucoup moins antipathiques s'ils le faisaient.

    Même s'ils n'apprenaient que quelques expressions courantes de la vie de tous les jours, les gens avec lesquels ils entrent en contact apprécieraient énormément, malheureusement ils tiennent à être arrogants et perdent ainsi en qualité dans leurs séjours touristiques.

    Bien à toi.

  9. I know, a lot of English speaking people live in Quebec, Spain, or Latin America, and they refuse to learn either French or Spanish. The english and the Americans have the worst reputation in the world for that.  Is it necessary to speak the language of the country where you live?  No, but it is pretty silly not to learn it. You are depriving yourself of a lot of relationships and making things ten times as difficult for yourself. You are also alienating people.  And yes, it does seem insulting to a lot of people. I have found, though, that it is usually caused by fear of failure. People who are very proud, or unsure of themselves, are scared stiff of trying to learn another language.  And then, a few people (not nearly as many who think they are) have a language lerarning disability.  So don't assume that it is always wilful.  


    Living in Northern Quebec now, I would want to learn to speak Cree - I just need to find someone to teach me.  Chamando chichuamoc

  10. I think you are discriminating.

  11. ignorance... ppl like that should just saty in there house

  12. Dude, it's really not an ideological thing, it's a matter of practicality. If you can get by without the language and you're happy, you're not really hurting anybody, are you?

    In order to participate fully in the society, sure you do need to learn the language. But if your society consists of family, friends, coworkers etc who all speak or at least understand your language, I can definitely see how the impetus to learn a language just for its own sake is pretty low.

    I have plenty of friends here in Helsinki who have been here for years and can only string together a couple of words of Finnish. Most of the time they say "oh, yeah, I really should speak more Finnish" but since everyone understands English, you really have to put an effort in, and many of us are too busy living our lives to go to a class.

    It's not that we try to be offensive. It's just that we can make do without learning another language.

  13. Arrogance. These people are not ignorant, they are arrogant. It was not always this way. When my family came to America in the 50's no one catered to us. We had to learn english to survive. Yet today people coming here to live expect us to learn their language. And our government fosters this idea by providing everything from welfare applications to voter information in dozens of languages. They are even allowed to become citizens without learning english. But if we were to go to their country, even as a tourist, we are expected to know their language.  And I agree this is an insult and extremely offensive.  

  14. You sound like one of the those racist white people

  15. People don't come to the united states to learn the language. They come 4 one simple reason, to work. You shouldn't feel offended that people don't learn english because the people who come here aren't doing anything to you. What they do doensn't affect you in any way.

  16. It is rude and Ignorant, I do have to agree with you

    very good subject.. lets hope some of them can read english at least to see how the majority of us feel about this issue.

  17. I think I am very well suited to answer this question; mainly because I came to live to the U.S. almost 8 years ago and I can see this topic from everyone's perspective [the ones that don't speak English well or simply put don't know it at all, the ones that were FORCED to learn it (like me) due to school or other factors, and the others --- English speakers born here in non-Hispanic families --- that might not understand this well because they are not in our shoes].

    The quick and realistic answer to this question is that one should not worry too much about how others choose to live their life. It is the same as if I tell you not to do X because X is wrong..... however, you are still going to do X because you are fine with that and that's what you decided, whether it is right or not.

    The more in-depth answer to this is that many people who come to this country (Spanish speakers) settle in places where there are many, and I mean MANY, Spanish speakers already. Cities like Miami for example. Many of these people have to work a lot, and they barely have time to do "extra-curriculars", so do you really think that they are going to put much extra effort into learning English when, in cities like Miami, where +50% or people know their language, they don't NEED it anyways. I learned very well because I went through school here and now I am in college, so believe me if I had not learned I wouldn't be able to reach my goals. For me it was a matter of having more time to learn it and a better "medium" I was literally hearing, seeing, and eating English everyday since I came, thus it was easier for ME to learn it than for one of these people that don't have time for it, nor do they need it (most of their friends, family, workplace friends, etc... talk Spanish anyways so yeah they are not forced to learn it).

    I wouldn't say that those who don't learn it believe that it is not important to learn English in the US. From my point of view that's a wrong way to see it. I myself know people that want to learn, but how can you learn when 95% of the people around you talk Spanish all the time and you work the whole day (so going to an English school for adults is not an option here)....... I hope you can open your mind and visualize this picture right here. I learned because of school period. The situation is different for people that come in their 30s or later and surround themselves with other people like them (common sense, everyone wants friends that share similarities with you) which means no one is talking English neither are they going to practice it you can bet on that.

    People like the asker of the main question need to realize that they most likely would do the same if they go to (for example) France and they go to a city where +70% of people at least understand English and 50% talk it..... I bet you wouldn't be so worried about actually speaking fluid French in that city would you? Anyways, I would not worry at all about something like this. The conclusion is that you cannot do anything about it, so you, my friend, are giving yourself extra things to worry about if you really take this too seriously. I understand you, but it is not healthy to worry too much about something that (let's get real) you cannot change. I know it would be wonderful if all immigrants learned English as well and as fast as I did, but the truth is that the majority do not have a situation that makes it easier to learn English. Also, many really don't need it because as I said before everyone they know talks Spanish. So I would say that besides others obstacles that don't help to learn it (such as having no time for that) I guess many don't have too much motivation either because it is not a necessity. For me it is, I would be screwed if I didn't know English in college. Besides, how else am I going to be able to talk to American girIs that don't know Spanish? I am glad I know it :p  

  18. Here in Spain we have colonies of British people who refuse learning Spanish, so I know what you feel.

    We have also tourists from other English speaking countries (including the U.S.) who think their language is the only one and speak with us in English. When they realize here most people don't speak it, they get angry and say we are rude.

  19. The United States doesn't have an official language. Everyone is welcome.

  20. It's the individual freedom. Until or unless he/she disturbs you , its quite normal. Be friendly to all.

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