
Why do some people call everyone they talk to Hun or Hunny/Honey?

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Some people do this even if they have just met you. I personally find it quite annoying.




  1. i know this girl who calls EVERYONE that, but its only at specific times where there is an argument and she's trying to be the authority type.

    She says Hun as to dominate the other girls, is how i get her tone and body language.

  2. hmm, i dunno....

    i do that occasionally with people i know...

  3. Well it's just the way the time is...I mean if you think about back in the 50s-60s guys called girls "dolls" and now it's "hun". Funny how things change...

  4. i agree, but it is hard to remember every ones, it just makes it easier.........i work in the public eye, and there are so many people.....there is no way i can remember all of them.

  5. Guilty! I'm one of those people but the people that call you that don't know it's annoying, they are just being nice so dont take it into offence hun=) oops..;)

  6. I am annoyed by being called hun or honey. I find it degrading and condescending. It's a nice way to talk down to people. Older women do it a lot, especially if you're smart. They need to feel in charge so they call you hun. Don't let them get upset and you will be called sweety to no end.

    I will usually reply with Okay, pumpkin or sweety. They tend to not do it as much or will ask you why did you call them pumpkin or sweety and I just say that I thought it was contest as to who could come up with the most sugary sweet names.  

  7. The first time I heard this expression, it was by a white executive to his white secretary in a movie (black and white) many, many years ago.  I think that the expression is a carry over from the days when women were not respected by men in the work place. It was a time when men didn't care what the secretary's name was - she was in a pool of women who only typed and answered the phones and did the bidding's of the men in the office.  Who cared what her name was?  She was not important and did not carry any weight during that time.  I worked in an office for many years, but the times had changed - women were executives and carried more important positions and men would not dare say "Hon" to their counterpart.  There are some men who still might make that mistake in the work place today, but believe me - any woman worth her weight would not allow him to call her that without saying something.  It's definitely a throwback word from the old days.  I have never heard anyone call someone that in the 2000's.  Nobody would dare say that to me.  

  8. Im using my b.f's account i as a girl find it more annoying when someone younger then u calls u hunny


  9. i'm not sure. i get annoyed too.  

  10. same.

  11. Lol, I do that sometimes. Usually I call them "love" or "baby" though. Its just the way I greet people. But I only do it with my friends and people around my age or younger. If it's to like, someone's grandma, that's a bit rude, lol.  

  12. its VERY annoying im 12 and my teacher, and all of my adoult relatives, exept my parents call me that lol!

  13. I don't call everyone that when I first meet them but if I like a waitress who is being nice to me or someone that I have come to like in a certain amount of time, It is the best compliment that I can give them without touching them. Or going overboard with affection. To me being an older man, (I hate having to say that but its the truth), its a compliment to them that may come from an uncle or even their father. To me it says you are a very nice person and I appreciate you. Some young ladies find that hard to take too.

  14. maybe but when i was at work in a place one worker call me huney more they once and said you have bannanas growing out of your ears

  15. me too! especially if they say it every other sentence!

    answer mine:;...

  16. what do you expect from a fat and hungry person

    srsly baby get real

  17. It is just the way they are.

    Don't you have any habits which are annoying? We all do.

  18. i think its cuz they think its cute or maybe its just become a habit. It does get annoying after a while.

  19. They do it to belittle you! Bleedin' sexists!

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