
Why do some people call you on the phone, but have nothing to say?

by  |  earlier

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Like my friend will call me and I'll be the one carrying the conversation. He doesn't ask me any questions about myself, my family, my new job or anything. He also doesn't just start talking about his life or updating me on stuff like the girl he's dating.

So I just start asking questions and he'll answer them and then I start talking about my life. If I stop talking/asking questions, he just holds the phone. It's really weird.

So why does he call me if he doesn't have much to say?




  1. most likely hes bored. ive always wondered the same thing because ppl call me all the time and just sit there. maybe youre just on his mind and he was wondering what you were doing. but it is very annoying!

  2. who knows maybe he is just wanting you to ask him questions!

    call him out on it!

    next time he calls just say yeah what's up!  don't ask about him or show interest in him. if he says oh nothing just wanted to say hi then you say Hello.. then stay quite!  don't speak until he says somethign if nothing is said with in 3 minutes then say well i see we have nothing to talk about today!  i'll talk to you later! and hang up!

    sounds to me your friend is lacking self esteem and is most likely self absorbed!  meaning he only cares about himself and what he wants!  

    don't try to fill the quite moments let them happen maybe he will get the hint!

    if not just ask him why do you call me and not talk with me i have to do all the effort and i feel overwhelmed with that!

  3. idk i guess hes lonley or bored

  4. Your friend may be lonely and needs some attention. So, having you on the phone gives him your undivided attention.

    Perhaps when the conversation lags, you can end it politely by saying, "Well,I have to get back to work. It's been nice talking with you.  Let's meet for lunch."  (or something like that)

    He may not have all the social skills necessary to keep his end of the conversation up.

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